New York

18 Aug 2020

Women Got The Right To Vote 100 Years Ago Today — But Only White Women

It’s the 100-year anniversary of women getting the right to vote, a.k.a. the 19th Amendment. But that right only applied to white women. So what about Black women, Latina women, Indigenous women and Asian American women? When did they get the right to vote? All the 19th Amendement said was

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
28 Jul 2020

Lollapalooza Will Be Streaming Online For Free This Weekend

Every festival in 2020 is canceled, but Lollapalooza is still doing a full four-day livestream of big-name acts all weekend. The Lollapalooza 2020 livestream will feature performances by OutKast, Paul McCartney, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Cure, Metallica, Lorde, LCD Soundsystem, Arcade Fire, and more — but in recorded performances

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
21 Jul 2020

Your Fox News Sexual Harassment Allegations Scorecard

A whole new dam of new sexual misconduct allegations just broke at Fox News, in addition the the years’ worth of previous sexual assault allegations that had already dropped at Fox News. Some of the best-known creepy white supremacists on the network are named in a fresh new sexual assault

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
16 Jul 2020

The Beauty & ‘Beef’ in San Francisco’s Street Art Scene

You’ve seen their work all over the city, on boarded up storefronts and hanging in windows, you’ve seen it on walls, garage doors, and mailboxes.  Street art in San Francisco a reflection our city’s culture, politics and creativity.  The great majority of art hanging in SF’s museums, is not by

14 Jul 2020

Ted Cruz Gets Busted For Refusing To Wear Mask On Flight

Republican senator and closeted porn fiend Ted Cruz was spotted Sunday completely breaking the rules on an American Airlines flight, not wearing a mask despite the airline’s strict face covering requirement. The incident was photographed and posted on Twitter, drawing defensive denials from Cruz’ spokespeople and a stern warning from

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
07 Jul 2020

Tech Founders Getting Ensnared In Jeffrey Epstein Scandal

Silicon Valley’s top tech bro titans have a lot to worry about, given a slew of new revelations involving Jeffrey Epstein’s evil partner in crime Ghislaine Maxwell. Maxwell disappeared from sight after Epstein’s highly questionable “suicide” in prison last August, but was arrested last Thursday in hiding at a luxury

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
07 Jul 2020

Bassnectar Quits Music Amidst Multiple Allegations Of Sexual Misconduct With Minors

Dubstep drug rave DJ icon Bassnectar has announced he’s “stepping back from my career” after dozens of sexual misconduct allegations surfaced on social media over the weekend, each detailing the involvement of minors. Most of these many, many allegations have little corroboration. But one of them is excruciating and painfully

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
30 Jun 2020

The Case Against Mount Rushmore

Trump is going to Mount Rushmore this week, so you know something terrible is going to happen. His visit will be accompanied by fighter jets and a fireworks display, even though fireworks have been banned there since 2010 over wildfire concerns. The governor of South Dakota has bizarrely said there

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0