New York

02 Mar 2009

Get Drunk at Lunch Cheaper

The three-martini lunch used to be a staple of any Ad man or business tycoon worth a damn.  Then, in 1976, Jimmy Carter tried to bring the smack down.  He didn’t succeed entirely, but the trend of meandering, expensed, business lunches dwindled. There was a brief revival during the stock

A Color Green - Wesley Snipe's Accountant 0
27 Feb 2009

Long Distance Drinking & Extended Happy Hours

  For the past few weeks Stuart has been defending San Francisco’s Bay To Breakers, a 12k costumed, bipedal shit show, race-ish thingy celebrating freedom of expression and consumption.  So when I saw a list-ette of marathon happy hours in this week’s Time Out New York (TONY) I figured I would

A Color Green - Wesley Snipe's Accountant 0
26 Feb 2009

Open House with FREE drinks and food samples…in Yonkers?

  Let me just say I could never live in Yonkers because just saying the name makes me think of the Phillies’ mascot Phanatic. However, despite my thoughts, fresh units in a new urban living space 66Main are being pushed at a ‘œFabulously Frugal’ Open House on March 4th.  I’m sure these

A Color Green - Wesley Snipe's Accountant 0
24 Feb 2009

Dooley’s Open Bar @ Aspen Tonight!

  I’m sitting at the computer in my sleeping bag today and it’s not even that cold. This apartment is like a walk-in with furniture; some sick chef’s pet Truman Show.  Feel anything like Fat Tuesday, like I even know what it’s about. I equate it with Girls Gone Wild

A Color Green - Wesley Snipe's Accountant 0
22 Feb 2009

Free Condoms: Next stop, Tunatown – formerly serviced by Skinboat.

  Here is a recession tip: Stop buying condoms, especially if you haven’t altered your middle school strategy and still buy a lot of shit you don’t need so you can try to slip your trojanz past the clerk undetected.  We are in a financial crisis.    Times are rough. People

A Color Green - Wesley Snipe's Accountant 0
21 Feb 2009

Free Store – Load up on stuff and karma!

One summer I lived in Hana, Maui.  I hitch hiked to work where I waited tables with Aunties ‘“ old Hawaiian grandmothers. On a day off I went to Red Sand Beach. Although it was “prohibited” because it bordered a traditional burial ground, you could always count on some haole

19 Feb 2009

Smelly Fingers at Recession Prices on Wednesdays

        Does anyone else have a hanger breaking problem in thrift stores?  I feel like fucking Lennie from Of Mice and Men.  Last time I went to Goodwill I broke at least 10 trying to sift through the overstuffed racks.  I’m thinking, “here’s a nice Hugo Boss dress shirt with

18 Feb 2009

Punjabi – Taxi Drivers Know Best

      Unlike many of you, I went to the Sunday Show after party for the open Absinthe bar where the fire eater, go-go dancer, and juggler stood out through the thin crowd. Despite the potential for something awesome, expectations weren’t met (nothing caught on fire!) until I ordered an

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0