Arts and Culture

16 Jul 2010

Tenth Time’s the Charm: Siren Music Festival Hits Coney Island

Look, I’m not a selfish person. I don’t ask for much, I pay my taxes, I give the occasional financial pledge to the destitute and homeless, I hold doors open for strangers. I do good things. So grant me your understanding and spare me your judgment when I tell you

15 Jul 2010

FREE Shows and Ticket Giveaways to the Mission Creek Festival

The Mission Creek Music and Arts Festival officially kicked off with yesterday’s free happy hour at the Make Out Room, but there are still plenty of events coming up all over town this weekend between the musical acts at Amnesia, Eagle Tavern and the Knockout and the film screenings at

Andrew Dalton - Aggressive Panhandler 0
15 Jul 2010

Indie Mart is This Sunday!

The d.i.y., rock’n’roll circus is back and better than ever this month! July’s Indie Mart at Thee Parkside will be the best yet with tons of the stuff you know and love and more new stuff than ever! That dude Broke-Ass Stuart will there be doing Broke-Ass Crafts so you

Monica Miller - The Intern 0
14 Jul 2010

Ticket Giveaway for Electro Pop Opera Little Death: Vol. 1

Hey, you know what most operas are lacking? Electro pop and 70s gospel. But not in Matt Marks’ opera The Little Death: Vol. 1 at Incubator Arts Project. The play is about two evangelical christian teenagers trying to make their relationship right with the Lord, through songs with catchy hooks

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
14 Jul 2010

Broke-Ass Band Interview: Hypernova

While I like to think of myself as this fly girl who regularly hob knobs with up and coming musicians, I think that sentence right there proves my terminally uncoolness, and the importance of having creative friends. I first heard about Hypernova, as I usually hear about these things, in

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
14 Jul 2010

Impress Your Friends by Brewing Your Own Beer!

I recently had some effing delicious homebrew made by some friends, who I now think are some kind of wizards or something because how could beer made at home taste like anything other than butt?  But seriously, this beer was comparable to anything you’d buy at any one of the

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0
14 Jul 2010

Swing Easy at The Garage in the West Village

Before I officially moved to The Big Apple and realized that a) a subway ride costs more than a beer in my home state Ohio b) Houston is pronounced “Howston” and c) New York State Taxes would make that part of my budget pie chart reserved for entertainment an anorexic

Jill S. 0
13 Jul 2010

Raise Money for the Red Cross While Laughing Your Ass Off

We’ve got it coming to us and we all know it.  San Francisco will eventually be smitten from the Earth and all those Bill O’Reilly fuckfaces will dance a little jig and say, “I told you that city of sinners and sodomites would be struck down by god”.  As far

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0