19 Mar 2010

Broke-Ass Tech: The Cracked-Out iPhone Fix

The iPhone doesn’t come with insurance. Why is this? Because it is super susceptible to injury when dropped (and AT&T hates you). If you’re unlucky enough to be as clumsy as me (and too lazy/cheap/stupid to shell out for a fat, rubber case to protect the damn thing) the face

Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless 0
17 Mar 2010

DIY: The $15 Monitor Fix

Oh, my poor suffering laptop. In the five years I’ve owned it I’ve drown it in Oolong, infected it with viruses, used it, abused it and neglected it like a guy who followed me home from a bar. However, unlike that guy, I still need to use my laptop. When

Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless 0
14 Mar 2010

FREE Homemade Brooklyn Pop-Up Shop

I’m sure this pop-up shop trend pisses off landlords, but until this whole economy thing sorts itself out, I fully welcome new and inventive ways to use empty storefronts. I wrote last month about Kill Devil Hill in Greenpoint turning into a bakery boutique and now they’re showing you a

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
13 Mar 2010

Reasons to Raise Chickens in Your Backyard

Assholes There’s this relatively new phenomenon happening right now called the Urban Farming Movement. (Check it out: even T.I. supports it!) My boyfriend, in particular, is really into it for two reasons: 1.) He fancies himself as a sort of misanthrope and really loves the idea of never having to

Rebecca Pederson - Cheap Date 0
10 Mar 2010

Who Wants to House Sit a Mansion?

This originally appeared in my book Young, Broke & Beautiful: Broke-Ass Stuart’s Guide to Living Cheaply. Remember when your dad got married for the third time and left you to watch his place while he went to the Bahamas for his honeymoon?  Despite it being kinda weird that you had

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
07 Mar 2010

Reading for Fun: Not Just for Dorks Anymore

If there is one thing I learned from my days of watching Levar Burton blow my little mind with the wonderful world of books, is that reading is spelled F-U-N. Twenty years of required reading and book reports undid some of his teachings, but in my current hardcore Broke-Ass state

Alison Lambert - Half Price Headliner 0
06 Mar 2010

FREE Disposable Filmmaking Workshop

The only time I’ve ever attempted to make a film/movie/moving picture, was my senior year of college, shooting a fake condom commercial for a group project (best class EVER). I spent four hours editing a bunch of overexposed footage and teaching myself how to use iMovie, the whole time cursing

Alison Lambert - Half Price Headliner 0
05 Mar 2010

Spring Cleaning: You’re Not Using That Crap Anyway

Moving sucks. Moving to a better apartment is always great, but the process is usually a huge pain in the ass. Pretty much the only other good thing about it is that you usually end up finding a bunch of shit you forgot you even had. Sometimes this works out

Andrew Dalton - Aggressive Panhandler 0