Eat & Drink

03 Nov 2016

SF Things We Can’t Afford But Do Anyway

San Francisco is easily one of the best cities in the world, and we find ourselves lucky enough to be living in it! It’s hard to keep track of all the bills and life necessities we need to pay for, but we are doing it.  And well, sometimes this means

Sarah Schwitkis 0
28 Oct 2016

7 Pumpkin Spice Products that Just Shouldn’t Exist

Never before has there been a single flavor that is so completely associated with a very specific group of people: basic white girls…in Uggs…and yoga pants. Pumpkin Spice seems to so perfectly embody what it apparently means to be a basic white girl. Then again I have no real bearing on the situation because I feel like half of the people who throw the term around would qualify as basic white girls themselves.

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
20 Oct 2016

Why Everyone Should Work in a Restaurant

Everyone should work in a restaurant at least once. Ask any server, bartender, barista, cook, dishwasher, buser, greeter, and they’ll agree. It’s a conversation I often have with other people in the restaurant industry. This conversation is half bitching about customers (sorry not sorry) and half enumerating all the ways that working in a restaurant makes you a better person.

Rae Bathgate - Down and Out and Overseas 0
18 Oct 2016

We wanna send you to see Jeremiah Tower!

When Jeremiah Tower rolled into town he was a 30-year-old privileged, arrogant and Harvard graduate with a degree in architecture. He had absolutely no formal culinary education. After his grandfather died, he soon found himself broke and in 1972’s California applying for a gig at Alice Waters’ Chez Panisse. Within a year

illyannam 0
13 Oct 2016

FiveThirtyEight Poll Confirms Hillary Clinton Is Antichrist

GUEST POST By:  Satan, Prince Of Darkness Puny humans! My Antichrist is revealed in a recent FiveThirtyEight “polls-plus” forecast. As you can plainly see above from a recent FiveThirtyEight forecast, My great false messiah is revealed to be your Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, thus ensuring her complete victory over

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
10 Oct 2016

We wanna send you and a friend to see Marcus Samuelsson and Chris Cosentino!

Marcus Samuelsson, Chef; Author, The Red Rooster Cookbook: The Story of Food and Hustle in Harlem; Twitter: @MarcusCooks In conversation with Chef Chris Cosentino When Chef Samuelsson opened Red Rooster in Harlem, he envisioned more than just a restaurant. He wanted to create a melting pot that would highlight Harlem’s vibrant

illyannam 0
04 Oct 2016

How To Crash All The Best Dreamforce 2016 Parties For Free

Open bar and appetizers paid for by Corporate America await you all week as Dreamforce 2016 swallows up SoMa and downtown (Oct. 4-7). The world’s largest software conference is also the world’s largest party-crashing opportunity, with oodles of cash-negative startups throwing insanely opulent parties all over our fair city. Here’s

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
04 Oct 2016

Mmmm, A Short List of Dope Food, Beer, and Wine Pairings

Looking for a quick list of some of the best—beer, wine & food —pairings? This shortlist of perfect pairings is designed to cut through the clamor and give you a boost of inspiration