Film & Photography

09 Jul 2020

The Best Wild Animal Videos To Put Your Mind at Ease During COVID

Many of us are spending a lot more time at home during shelter in place, and if you are like me. you’re missing the great outdoors.  I find myself watching videos of wild animals on youtube far more frequently than in the past, and there is a treasure trove of

06 Jul 2020

The Best Stuff on Netflix in July 2020

The sheer number of new offerings this month was just one of the reasons this preview has not come out sooner.  Length problems make it necessary to also break the preview into two parts. In this first part, the picks share the common theme of revisitation.  There are new takes

08 Jun 2020

Photos from This Weekend’s Golden Gate Bridge Protest

We’re on week three of the nationwide protests over the police killing of George Floyd and the systemic oppression of people of color. Over the weekend there were a couple dozen protests throughout the Bay Area and it was amazing. It’s incredible to see so many people from all walks

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
08 Jun 2020

Beyond the Shadows: A Ghost Story With a Social Conscious

What happens when a group of phony ghost hunters stumble upon some real ghosts? The answer can be found in Beyond the Shadows, a new film by auteur David Gustafson. The low budget film, which touches upon themes of Native American genocide, is now streaming at You Tube. “I am

David-Elijah Nahmod 0
05 Jun 2020

Comisery: The Science Fiction/Dark Comedy Web Series w/ an Asian-American Cast

How can you laugh at the craziness of life under coronavirus lockdown? How about turning such an existence into a dark science fiction comedy? That’s the approach taken by the new Chopso webseries “Comisery.” It’s accessible for free to anyone who has a Facebook account. “Comisery” is co-directed and co-written

29 May 2020

What To Watch on Netflix in June

This June sees Netflix bringing films which dispel the notion that it’s only interested in showing movies made in the last twenty years. However, this is a mixed blessing. On one hand, you’ve got Steven Spielberg’s heartwarming “E.T. The Extraterrestrial” and Alicia Silverstone in “Clueless,” an off-kilter adaptation of Jane

19 May 2020

The ‘Shelter in Place’ Film Competition by ROXIE Theater!

It’s your chance to show the world how you’ve been able to convert the raw materials surrounding you in your shelter into a short original film.

08 May 2020

Photos of a Closed Down San Francisco

Guest Post by James Conrad My name is James Conrad, and I am a photographer living and working in San Francisco, California, with one principal focus of my craft being live musical performance. On Friday, 16 March 2020, I was at the Mechanics’ Institute, a private library located at 57

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