
17 Mar 2025

Donald Trump Wants to Tax Your Credit Union

Donald Trump has issued an executive order targeting community banks and credit unions, which are exempt from federal taxes and provide affordable loans and higher savings returns to their clients.

Jake Warren 0
23 Jan 2024

Monkeybrains: The Bay Area’s Anti-Corporate, Anti-Monopoly Internet Service

They have been a local, independent internet service provider since 1998 and have developed a rabid following because, quite simply, they rock. And I’m not just saying this because they’re giving me money to do so, I’ve been a very satisfied, paying customer of theirs for over seven years now.

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
26 Mar 2023

Why This Wealthy Techie’s $2 Million Donation Is Super Rad

There’s reason for small business owners in the Bay Area to rejoice. Chris Larsen, co-founder of crypto company Ripple, is giving $2 million to stoke local retail districts. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, this is in addition to the $1.7 million he provided in 2021. Larsen is a born-and-raised

07 Dec 2022

Twitter CEO Elon Musk Reportedly Forcing Workers to Sleep On-Site

Twitter is allegedly forcing its few remaining employees to sleep in makeshift bedrooms at its Market Street headquarters. A whistleblower alerted San Francisco’s 311 service, backed up by a Forbes report that described conference rooms rudely converted to “modest bedrooms featuring unmade mattresses, drab curtains and giant conference-room telepresence monitors.” Anonymous employees

Jake Warren 0
09 Nov 2022

The Second Dot-com Bubble Is Bursting

“Irrational exuberance” Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan first uttered the phrase in 1996, describing what he considered an alarming economic trend. The rise of home internet usage was spurring several investors to stake digital claims like an online Oklahoma land run. Tech companies sprang up overnight, each hoping to

Jake Warren 0
05 Oct 2022

Why I left Portland and Returned to San Francisco

While friends in both cities asked why I planned to return, they asked the same question two different ways. Portland asked with the doubt of a dysfunctional parent, one who knows the answer and resents it. “It’s so expensive there. Isn’t that why you left in the first place?” I

Jake Warren 0
07 Jun 2022

The Federal Reserve Wants To Lower Your Wages

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell took aim at American laborers during a press conference early last month, announcing he wants “to get wages down.” Powell cited better pay as the culprit behind soaring inflation rates across the country, saying the Federal Reserve is about to raise interest rates by half

Jake Warren 0
20 Apr 2022

Administrative Errors Help 40,000 Get Out of Their Student Loans Entirely

This week, NPR released an article about how folks may finally get help getting rid of their student loans. In some cases, people will be forgiven entirely for their loans. At least 40,000 borrowers will have their student debt entirely wiped clean due to major administrative errors within the Department

Katy Atchison 0