
17 Nov 2016

How to Travel with a Dog on a Plane…Successfully

Going on a trip with your family pet is an exhilarating experience, but it also calls for extra caution in planning to ensure that everything goes well. Here are some proven tips on how to travel with a dog on a plane.

Guest Writer 0
03 Nov 2016

SF Things We Can’t Afford But Do Anyway

San Francisco is easily one of the best cities in the world, and we find ourselves lucky enough to be living in it! It’s hard to keep track of all the bills and life necessities we need to pay for, but we are doing it.  And well, sometimes this means

Sarah Schwitkis 0
13 Oct 2016

FiveThirtyEight Poll Confirms Hillary Clinton Is Antichrist

GUEST POST By:  Satan, Prince Of Darkness Puny humans! My Antichrist is revealed in a recent FiveThirtyEight “polls-plus” forecast. As you can plainly see above from a recent FiveThirtyEight forecast, My great false messiah is revealed to be your Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, thus ensuring her complete victory over

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
11 Oct 2016

Lobbying Loophole Gets Ed Lee $100k in Travelling Expenses

A current loophole in our law allows lobbyist to bundle contributions and use go-betweens to pay San Francisco politicians.  For example, companies like Airbnb & Uber paid for Ed Lee to go on a trip to China in 2013, and since he’s been in office he’s flown all over the world

04 Oct 2016

How To Crash All The Best Dreamforce 2016 Parties For Free

Open bar and appetizers paid for by Corporate America await you all week as Dreamforce 2016 swallows up SoMa and downtown (Oct. 4-7). The world’s largest software conference is also the world’s largest party-crashing opportunity, with oodles of cash-negative startups throwing insanely opulent parties all over our fair city. Here’s

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
14 Sep 2016

Price Comparison: Trader Joe’s vs Everyone

We did the homework. The food & drinks that taste the same, have the same ingredients, but cost way less at TJ’s than at Whole Foods, Safeway or Costco.

12 Sep 2016

It Now Costs More to Park at 49er Stadium Than for A Game Ticket

How the mighty have fallen.  A Parking Pass for the Rams Vs 49ers Game tonight costs more than a ticket to the actual game.  Many season ticket holders have complained about a precipitous drop in ticket value this year.  Ever since Jim Harbaugh was run out of town by Jed

09 Sep 2016

Why You Should Not Buy An iPhone 7

There is a new iPhone going on sale today, for no better reason than it is the second week of September and Apple puts out a new iPhone the second week of every September. But people, you should not buy the new iPhone 7 just because there is a new

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0