
Why It Makes No Sense to Own a Car in SF…Unless you Share it!
This post is sponsored by the fine people at Getaround. If you’re interested in sponsoring some content holler at If you live in any city now a days, it makes absolutely no sense to own a car… Unless you share it! It costs an average of $7800 a year

The Guide To Avoiding Unnecessary Funeral Costs
At one point of the whole process, I found myself telling my family, “Funerals aren’t for the dead, they’re for the living.” — David Fisher (played by Michael C. Hall) For some reason, speaking of funerals appears to be a taboo subject in Western culture. While others around the globe

Can You Go Without Shopping For 30 Days?
Let’s face it, we probably all shop a little too much and it can cause all kinds of problems. It fills up our landfills, creates a huge carbon footprint, and don’t forget, it makes us perpetually broke. So, what about committing to not buying anything new for 30 days? Except of course food, beer, and…other ‘necessary perishables’,

15 Rental Rights Every San Franciscan Should Know
*This article was researched and written with help from tenant attorney and Broke-Ass Stuart columnist Daniel Wayne. To learn more about your rights as a tenant check out out Daniel’s other articles here or his website. Did you know that not all buildings in San Francisco are protected by rent control? Did

Cash For Keys – Tenant Buyouts Explained
Negotiating a Buyout of Your Rent Controlled Apartment QS: I live in a rent-controlled apartment in San Francisco. My landlord recently asked me if I would be interested in a buyout of my tenancy. What do I need to know about tenant buyouts? A: What is a Buyout? Buyouts are

FREE Workshop For Renters, Know Your Rights!
Tenant leaders hold bootcamps to crack down on “gotcha evictions” San Francisco — Following a report showing a disturbing new trend in evictions, the San Francisco Tenants Union and statewide tenant advocate Dean Preston are launching a new renters rights project to fight back. Known as Tenant Rights Bootcamps,

ASK A TENANTS RIGHT’S LAWYER: Protecting Your Rent Controlled Apartment
Ask a Tenants Right’s Lawyer is your chance to learn how to survive as a renter in San Francisco. Every few weeks attorney Daniel Wayne will answer a different question making it so that you have all the info you need to keep you in your home. Got a question? Send

Ask a Grown Up: What the Hell is Social Security, Anyways?
Welcome back Broke-Asses! Hang onto your hookahs, this week’s column will seem TL;DR, but these 1,500 words are critically important to your future well being (and, ability to afford a private nurse to change your poopy Depends™ far in the future). That’s right! We’re segueing from talking about faking boyfriends