Sex and Dating
6 Quick, Cheap NYC Daytrips with Your Boo
Don’t let being too cheap or broke get you down in taking a trip with your significant other! Not when spring is imminent! Here are 6 great daytrips from NYC: 1) Montauk Going on the off-season is actually kind of cool, because it gives off a totally different vibe, PLUS
Are Rock “Gods” Really That Bone-able?
The “groupie” phenomenon is something that has been written about/featured in various media ad nauseum. Like, yeah, we all know the basic appeal of sleeping with a rockstar– whether it be the music itself or just the status these guys have, but, like, what if you were actually face-to-face with
No Sense of Humor, No Date?: The YouTube Test
My roommate and I have talked about how sometimes, we have an unofficial comedy litmus test when we’re first starting to get to know guys we’re dating. It’s not necessarily as simple as, if you don’t find this funny, I won’t date you, but it’s just sort of a way
Thursday: Heal Your Broken Heart for FREE
Looking for somebody on the rebound? Ever feel like your heart has been ripped out of your body, eaten up, spit out and thrown on the ground? Um, that’s pretty much how I feel right now. Nevertheless, there is a solution to my sorrows – not to mention any of
The Misogynist Pass: Artists For Whom We Turn A Blind Eye
Though I promised myself I wouldn’t utter one more word about he who I cannot bring myself to name, it’s undeniable that all the hubub around him has brought up some really interesting discussions about the things that we as a culture collectively ignore or don’t seem to care about
5 Netflix Romance Movies I Won’t See
Sometimes Netflix has you pidgeonholed a little TOO well– for example, yes, I do happen to like witty workplace TV comedies. But, whenever I look under the “Romance” section, which, I’m not entirely sure why it exists– like, shouldn’t it just be under drama? Oh wait, IT ALREADY IS. And
Movies That Eerily Depict Dudes You’ve Dated
We’re all familiar with the Aaron Samuels archetype in movies– the dude that has no real discernible personality but is hot and is there mainly to serve as “the guy” for the female protagonist. But, you know, he’s not a real person– which is why it’s always kind of weird
You’ve Made it Past Valentine’s Day: Now What?
Valentine’s Day can sometimes be a lot of pressure when you’re in a new relationship– or especially if you don’t know whether or not you’re technically in a relationship at all. Once you’ve successfully gotten past it, you’re home free, right? WRONG. Consider this a lesser-wedding. There’s so much hype