Sex and Dating

24 Apr 2024

How to Spice Up Things in The Bedroom When “it” Gets Boring

DEAR SHAMELESS BY SHAMELESS HEATHER ATLES Hi, I’m Shameless Heather Atles, an expert relationships, sex, and intimacy coach. With years of experience guiding individuals through the complexities of love, connection, and self-worth, my approach combines humor, practical wisdom, deep insights, and actionable steps to empower those navigating the twists and

15 Apr 2024

Nine Gay Bar No-Nos

1. Messy queens. You know who you are. Ten bucks says you’re reading this hungover. Messy queens are not specific to any gender. It’s anyone who doesn’t know when to stop drinking, smoking, sniffing, twirling. Avoid acting wild and winding up on a stranger’s Instagram story. Look after your friends

Jake Warren 0
10 Apr 2024

The Hard Truth About Unreliable Erections

Here’s the hard truth (pun intended)–most men, at some point in their lives, struggle with unreliable erections. Now that your Johnson has disappointed you a few times, you’re thinking too much with your big head instead of letting the blood rush to your little head.

27 Mar 2024

What to do When Netflix & Chill Becomes…Just Netflix

DEAR SHAMELESS BY SHAMELESS HEATHER ATLES Hi, I’m Shameless Heather Atles, an expert relationships, sex, and intimacy coach. With years of experience guiding individuals through the complexities of love, connection, and self-worth, my approach combines humor, practical wisdom, deep insights, and actionable steps to empower those navigating the twists and

28 Feb 2024

How to Start Exploring Kink and BDSM…as a Feminist

Whip-Smart Feminism Hi, I’m Shameless Heather Atles, an expert relationships, sex, and intimacy coach. With years of experience guiding individuals through the complexities of love, connection, and self-worth, my approach combines humor, practical wisdom, deep insights, and actionable steps to empower those navigating the twists and turns of modern romance. 

11 Jan 2024

SF Residents Living with HIV: PRC Can Help!

If you or someone you know is a San Francisco Resident living with HIV who is having difficulty accessing healthcare in the city, please know that help is available. PRC’s team of local, trained professionals are standing by to assist with your healthcare enrollment, coverage, and access issues.

05 Jan 2024

East Bay Bliss: Unique & Memorable First Date Spots

Navigating first dates can be incredibly nerve-wracking, so if you’re gearing up for one, set the stage for success by choosing a venue with ambiance and the perfect vibes. Here are my top picks for date night spots in The East Bay, whether it’s your first date or you’re aiming

Katy Atchison 0
13 Dec 2023

The Best 🎁 You Can Give Me for My Bday

It’s crazy to think that, at this point, I’ve been doing Broke-Ass Stuart for almost half my life. In that time it’s been A LOT of things: a couple zines, 3 books, a travel TV show on IFC, and oodles of fun projects and web series. And of course, there’s always

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0