Shopping, Style and Beauty

The Weekly Roundup!
While you’re all trying to sweat out that tryptophan and get that ass to fit back into that holiday dress, why don’t you check out the post-Black Friday version of the roundup, eh? If you like cartoon or drawing-driven blogs, you’ll love Darcel. His pieces revolve around his life events,

DIY Diva: Tis’ the Season to be Crafty!
Potato print holiday cards. Sending a holiday card is a really nice way to let someone know you’re thinking of them without spending a lot of money. I recommend sending a holiday postcard – as postage for postcards is a lot cheaper than sending a card in an envelope.

Nobody Wants a Sweet Potato Ass – Uber Cheap Pilates
Now that you’ve stuffed your sweet selves full of delicious turkey/stuffing/mashed potatoes it seems like the perfect time to cuddle up for a long winter’s nap, as the gorge fest is over. The warm, buttery truth of it is, this is only the beginning. Thanksgiving marks the start of eating

Eat Dumplings, Skip Black Friday Shopping
Two Thanksgivings ago, my friend and I blew our loads looking at the filthiest of all broke ass porn: Ads for Black Friday sales. I’d always made the conscious effort to stay in on the day after Thanksgiving. The consumerism and commercialization of the holidays is pretty gross, and high

Escape Black Friday and Celebrate Buy Nothing Day Instead!
Consumerism is ruining our world. There is no doubt about it. Advertising makes people dissatisfied with all the amazing blessings each person has in their lives. It tells them, “Hey, you’re not a complete person if you don’t buy this product”. And I disagree. You are all complete people not

Black Friday Bonanza!
While any of you that read this site certainly don’t have the salary to be an active participant of Crabonanza 2009 [I hear the catch this year sucks anyway!], there are more definitely some activities to get you into the holiday spirit after stuffing your face all day. And FYI:

A Broke-Ass Salute to Catherine O’Hara
A few months or weeks or years or something ago, I wrote a post about some funny ladies of comedy who just don’t get the love they deserve. At the time I knew, knew, that there was someone amazing, brilliant and hilarious times infinity million that I was forgetting about.

You already know how I feel about libraries. But here is something even more miraculous. The Bay Area FREE Book Exchange in El Cerrito (North of Berkeley) is a cooperative run by local booksellers/booklovers. It is literally a ‘œstore’ full of FREE books. Whenever I’m in a store and an