
10 Dec 2015

Bring Back the Bay Guardian — and Win a Metaphorical Unicorn!

Friends, is this the San Francisco you dreamed of? The sparkling, golden dream of freewheeling political experiment, debate, and protest; colorful art, poetry, and music that fly completely free from rent-money and basic-bro anxiety; diverse culture, nightlife, and style that springs from pure expression rather than some lame-ass PowerPoint marketing plan?

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
09 Dec 2015

The Broke Ass Holiday Gift Guide (for Broke-ass Ballers)

For the broke and destitute to the rich and showy, for the rabbis and non touchy priests, for punks and investment bankers,  we’ll… not really for the fucking bankers.  Here is the greatest holiday gift guide you’ve seen today…maybe, or like that you’ve seen in the last 15 minutes.  We

09 Dec 2015

We have free tickets to J. Fernandez @ Bottom of the Hill!

  Born to Filipino immigrant parents, Chicago-based J.Fernandez spends his days as a cartographer/map-maker. By night, Fernandez navigates his own personal world of musical endeavors, drawing on the influences of early electronic music, pop and psychedelia. J Fernandez’s debut album “Many Levels Of Laughter” will be released June 9, 2015. He

illyannam 0
08 Dec 2015

Joe’s Pub Presents: Women of Letters (NYC)

Last month the wonderful Co-Producer (Trish Nelson) of Women of Letters at Joe’s Pub had me as her guest. I wasn’t at all prepared for what I would experience and be apart of that night.  The show brings 6 women from all backgrounds to share letters they have written for

Sheilah Villari - Dollar Bin Darling 0
08 Dec 2015

We have Free Tickets for a guided tour of NYC holiday sites!

  Take a guided bus tour to see the spectacular holiday lights and movie sites in New York City with On Location Tours to see the most filmed city in the world. Relax as your tour guide, a local actor or actress entertains and informs you throughout this one-of-a-kind NYC

illyannam 0
07 Dec 2015

We have FREE Tickets for The Decemberists on NYE at The Masonic!

    A Very December Evening THE DECEMBERISTS with special guest: Thao & The Get Down Stay Down Returning to the Bay Area after a busy year of touring throughout North America and Europe in support of their latest album, What A Terrible World, What A Beautiful World, The Decemberists will ring in

illyannam 0
07 Dec 2015

DJ Real : Comedian You Should Know

The word ‘innovative’ is typically over used in the bay area, in this case it actually applies. ‘DJ Real’ uses a combination of technology and sound that keeps you laughing while at the same time wondering ‘how is he doing that?’ It’s an act that leverages both comedy and nerd power, he plays several electronic instruments, utilizes pre-loaded sound bites and dialogue, while working the crowd and weaving in traditional jokes as well.


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