Broke-Ass Financial Coaching: How to Stop Getting Ripped Off
If you have ever shook your head when you saw someone buy something from a company that oppresses or takes advantage of them, you need to look at yourself in the mirror first. How much is your bank charging you for your checking account? ATM fees? Credit card interest? How much interest are you paying on that loan? In total, not the monthly payment.
Dorkbot Meet up for Robot Enthusiasts
I love robots. As an avid lover of anything SciFi, I’ve encountered many different types of robots amidst the pages of Asimov, old Jetsons reruns, and weird B-quality movies. Take a look at some videos of robots here – dancing and falling and even playing the violin! Oh. You asked
First Week of the Month = So Many FREE Activities!
Here’s a brief rundown of the crazy amount of FREE stuff that the first week of the month offers (with links to the details). After the first week of February, you’ll be back to your broke-ass ways, eating ramen and feeling uncultured, so make the most of these days! First
NYC Giveaway: Experimental Theater Tickets!
Your first theater experience in NYC probably involved something by Rogers and Hammerstein about two people falling in love after using song as dialogue. The Debate Society doesn’t make that kind of theater. Their latest show, You’re Welcome is a collection of five plays about creation and failure told through
Broke Ass Band Interview: Free Energy
Free Energy is one of those bands that makes even the most jaded New Yorker get up and shake something. Their fresh take on 70’s rock is bringing dude-rock to the dance floor. After their former Minneapolis band , Hockey Night, broke up; singer Paul Sprangers and guitarist Scott Wells
Dear Anna G, I Love C*ck (Or Do I?)
Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged into my inbox. Someone actually wants my advice! Let’s take a gander: Dear Anna, I don’t know what to do, I’ve been hooking up with his guy off and on for over a year and I want to be boo-ed up for
Whiz Burgers
Whiz Burgers is the type of joint that when you randomly see it one day while riding your bicycle, you say to yourself, “Holy shit! How have I never seen this place before?” At least that’s what happened to me. This spot is something out of a Beach Boys song