
22 Apr 2009

FREE Cookies May Lead to World Peace.

  A cookie is a little morsel of happiness.  Nobody eats a cookie and then goes out and commits  a heinous act of violence; twinkies maybe, but not cookies.  There are few things in life that can brighten your day like a good one (unless you’re diabetic of course, in which case it absolutely ruins

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
22 Apr 2009

All Literary And Shit: Free PEN Int’l Literature Festival

The PEN World Voices of International Literature hits the city in a few days, which means 160 writers over the course of 6 days OR 26.6 writers a day doing conversations, panels, performances, and readings.  Obviously that is far too many; an overwhelming choice that leads to paralysis and blocks

22 Apr 2009

Style Analysis: I’m Gay For Natasha Khan

Her music is weird and her style is weirder. It’s official: I have a total gay crush on Natasha Khan from Bat for Lashes. Not a half-assed ‘girl crush” where I wish she was my BFF or something, but a fully sexual, gay crush. I would get with Natasha Khan

BAS Writers 0
21 Apr 2009

Free Soul Music and Soul Food Tonight

Good god!  Two of the best things this country has ever created, soul music and soul food, are being doled out for FREE tonight at 330 Ritch.  While the party is technically called Pacific Standard Time (PST), I’m calling it Awesome! Farmer Brown will be there with FREE soul food

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
21 Apr 2009

Broke-Ass of the Week – Allan Hough from Mission Mission

Every week we feature a different person from the community shedding a little light on their life of brokeitude. Who knows, maybe you’ll learn something about the human spirit…probably not.

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
21 Apr 2009

Free Workshops and Events at SOHO Mac Store During Tribeca Film Fest

Sometimes I use my roommate’s Mac and I fucking hate it when Safari automatically opens up to the mac homepage.  Why doesn’t she change that shit?  Anyway, the other day it actually proved useful because I found out about Apple’s awesome involvement with the Tribeca Film Festival.  The SOHO Apple

21 Apr 2009

Veselka: Premium Ukranian or Ukranian Premium?

It was very wet last night.  Dark, wet, and like a movie in Times Square with happy families huddled under their umbrellas  in the fuzzy neon light,  taxis splashing puddles.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen a white family on a weeknigth in New York, but shit, when am I


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