
17 Apr 2009

Free Beer and Artsy Stuff Saturday

The HANG Art Annex is throwing a party on Saturday where you can watch art being made live, while drinking FREE beer.  Also, all the art created that day will be sold for $50 per piece.  That way those of you who still haven’t decorated your room yet after living

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
17 Apr 2009

Make a Fuggin’ Remote Control Plane for $100

A few weeks ago I went to Dorkbot and it was AMAZING.  Sometime in between Revenge of the Nerds and now these guys have really improved their social capital.  Must have something to do with computers.  There were three presentations from five dorks, who per event requirements  were “doing strange

17 Apr 2009

FREE Tanteo Tequila Tastings Today and Tomorrow

As promised, here is a short list of upcoming Tanteo tastings that are being held around the city.  If you haven’t heard of Tanteo, it will soon be imprinted on your olfactory bulbs because the Jalapeno line has a robust nose that recently blanketed the entire Rose Bar like a

16 Apr 2009

Shows are better when they’re free — Silversun Pickups play free this weekend in Berkeley!

I’d like to take a moment to apologize to all two of my devoted readers on this site ‘” I’ve just recently moved and, because of my dim-wit roommate, still do not have internet. I know you’ve missed my developing genius, and I’ve got something that I think you’ll really

Monica Miller - The Intern 0
16 Apr 2009

Down and Out: LES Story Telling at the Tenement Museum

You can sometimes forget that you are “down and out” in New York if you know where to go to live it up – of course we aren’t really THAT down and out if you think about it, but here is an example.  Last night I went to the awesome

15 Apr 2009

This Just In: Free Vodka Tonight at Etiquette Lounge

My friend Emily over at The Good Hotel just hipped me to the fact that the Etiquette Lounge is having a Comedy Jam type thingy tonight where there will be FREE vodka drinks from 8-9pm.  Normally, I’d be there to prove that not just douchebags go to Etiquette Lounge, but I’m

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
15 Apr 2009

Fuggin’ Happy Hours: I Bartend with Aspiring Indonesian Actress

Fug it man, tomorrow is supposed to be very nice out so while there isn’t too much in the way of news from Mug Lounge, I think it does warrant special invitation to come out tomorrow once the sun goes down to hide that lobster face.  It is also kind


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