
14 May 2024

Why Is Frank Somerville Going To Jail For 30 Days?

If you’re from the Bay Area and have spent any amount of time watching the news in the last decade, chances are you know who Frank Somerville is. He’s an East Bay native, who, despite his well-meaning nature, can be a little cringe, which is fine, we’re all a little

Abraham Woodliff - Bay Area Memelord 0
12 May 2024

San Francisco Bay Ferry to Add Lines, Expand Service

San Francisco may be neglecting the full potential of the strategic waterways that brought it into being. If you’ve ever sat in Bridge traffic and watched boats fly by on the water below, you might have felt the same. There is no reason the Bay Area shouldn’t have as robust

Jake Warren 0
06 Dec 2024

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!

Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
Two people.
04 Mar 2024

Meet The East Bay Operation Sending Literal Tons of Books Into Prisons

It’s as distressing a time on the planet as ever, a one-sided war blasting historic communities in Gaza to smithereens with United States tax dollars funding the whole thing. There are storms blowing the Bay Area sideways, more common and destructive thanks to climate change, and an ever-increasing wealth gap

22 Feb 2024

The Silly and Serious Leap Year Protest in Berkeley

It’s a yeap year which can mean only one thing – a silly protest with an important message is coming to the streets of Berkeley on February 29th. Leap Day Action Night organized by The Slingshot Collective is not your traditional protest or even just a distraction keeping us from

Katy Atchison 0
23 Jan 2024

Monkeybrains: The Bay Area’s Anti-Corporate, Anti-Monopoly Internet Service

They have been a local, independent internet service provider since 1998 and have developed a rabid following because, quite simply, they rock. And I’m not just saying this because they’re giving me money to do so, I’ve been a very satisfied, paying customer of theirs for over seven years now.

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
28 Sep 2023

400-year-old Brewery Opens First U.S. Taproom in Berkeley

This is how Americans can get 400 years of Austrian Brewing tradition, brewed fresh daily in Berkeley

Monsieur Sponsor 0
12 Sep 2023

Berkeley Needs Housing, But It Shouldn’t Get Rid Of People’s Park

I am not a NIMBY. I get called a lot of things on the internet, but NIMBY actually would offend me. I detest NIMBYs. They are the biggest problem in the State of California. I really and truly believe that, so what I’m about to say may sound out of

Abraham Woodliff - Bay Area Memelord 0
04 Sep 2023

Berkeley’s Greek Theater Is One of NorCal’s Finest Venues

By David Coppin-Lanegen Throngs of people pounded their feet against the stone pavement, their long scarves and long hair dyed wailing, schizophrenic colors. As they danced, Robin Pecknold of Fleet Foxes crooned, his voice blue and blending with the pink-orange sky and colorful people of The Greek, in Berkeley. Formally

Guest Writer 0