
Dating as a Woman Who Doesn’t Want Kids
Since I started dating, I’ve thought a lot about how to approach the subject of having kids with potential partners. Recently, when talking with a friend I won’t name here, I brought up that I didn’t want to have kids. She and I weren’t especially close, but I considered her someone I could be transparent with without fearing judgment.

Win A Copy Of ‘Made By Raffi’: The Boy Who Liked To Knit And Sew
“Inspired by a true-life incident, Made By Raffi is the story of a little boy who doesn’t care for sports but likes to knit and sew — at first he is teased for his hobby, but in the end he becomes a hero to his class. The book supports young boys and

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Are You Raising Restaurant Ready Children?
Dear Parents: You may not be aware of, but when you walk into a restaurant with your beautiful baby in your paisley Baby Bjorn wrap or with your MacLauren stroller and your gracious host walks your six top over to your table – your servers eyes may scan the insides

Embarrassing Things That Psychics Have Told Me
When you’re trying to figure your life out and workin’ hard and struggling to Rise to the Top and all of that good stuff, things can get a little… desperate. So desperate, in fact, that you might feel the need to seek out some spiritual guidance. No, no, no. I

Getting A Job As A Nanny Can Save You Thousands Of Dollars
If you have any aptitude toward taking care of children (meaning you don’t care if you usually have a cold and sticky everything and can handle constant high-volumes), and you are broke, you should become a nanny. All it takes is a little creativity (most creative types are broke, anyway,

Broke-Ass Book List: Youth Gone Wild
Feeding your mind by reading is a Broke-Ass lifestyle essential. What other activity gets you so much for so little cost (i.e., free). I’m an avid reader, my hope is to share some of my best reads with you. Look, I admit I don’t love being around children or “tweens”.