clean up

30 Apr 2010

Clean Up Dolores Park on Saturday — You’ll Be There Anyway!

Hey, remember when that rumor surfaced about Dolores Park closing and you listened to all 1,000 Elliot Smith albums on repeat, felt that there was no need to take showers anymore because where would you even go to show off your freshly-scrubbed body anyway, and hid under the covers for

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0
31 Jul 2009

Dolores Park Etiquette – General Guidelines

I love Dolores Park. Seriously, there really aren’t many places like it in the world. It’s beautiful, has a great view, the cops don’t fuck with you, and it’s full of friendly and good looking people. Without sounding like a dirty hippie, there’s really something magical about the place. But as

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
02 Dec 2024

The 90s Are Back! We Have Color Changing Shirts!

As 2024 winds down, we’re reflecting on another incredible year of sharing the stories, art, culture, and nightlife that make the Bay Area so unique. wouldn’t be what it is without you—our community of readers, supporters, and believers in independent media. This year, instead of asking you to join Patreon

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
26 Jul 2009

North Beach Poetry Crawl and Being Tired of Trash in Dolores Park

I was walking through Dolores Park yesterday and truthfully I was quite appalled at the total mess left behind by people.  Seriously, get it together people!  I don’t know what you think is going on in the park but we are SO FUCKING LUCKY to have it and I’m tired

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
17 Jul 2009

Give Some Love Back to Dolores Park

The other day Curtis, The Creme Brulee Guy, had a great idea.  He posted on his twitter, “How many of you LOVE Dolores Park? Anyone willing to get together to help mitigate the cost to the city of cleaning up the mess we all make?”.  I was like, “Hey I

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0