east oakland

It’s Official: The Oakland Coliseum Is Sold.
So, someone finally bought the Oakland Coliseum. On Monday, it was announced that Oakland A’s owner John Fisher has agreed to sell his team’s half-interest in the Oakland Coliseum site to the African American Sports and Entertainment Group (AASEG). This follows AASEG’s recent agreement to purchase the other half of

Why First Friday Should Relocate To International Boulevard
Do you ever get bored? It happens to me, and First Friday, while fun, is also conceptually kind of stale. It’s on Telegraph Avenue, which is fine, but if anywhere in Oakland could be described as touristy, the street that inspired a popular novel by Michael Chabon and a song

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

How I Fell In Love With Oakland’s Funktown
When I first figured out that San Francisco wasn’t for me, I didn’t know where I was going to end up. I had initially hoped that I would return to The Laurel, a neighborhood that straddles the line between East Oakland and the Lower Hills where I spent a long

How Buddha Saved An Oakland Neighborhood From Crime
Back in 2009, a dude who lived on a block with a lot of illegal dumping decided to do something about it. What did he do? He got a Buddha statue. People who may not be familiar with the Clinton (or Funktown, or East Lake or Little Saigon depending on

Oakland’s Wealth Divide Is Most Visible In Its Roads
Some might not realize this, but being poor is actually quite expensive. I’m not referring to the sky high rents relative to the poverty levels in low income Bay Area neighborhoods. I’m referring to the unforeseen financial burdens of existing in a low income neighborhood. The main source of this

Where Exactly Is East Oakland?
Oakland is a naturally suspicious city. If you tell somebody that you’re from or have lived in Oakland, it is entirely normal for that individual to ask you where. This is not asked in a casual or friendly way. They’re trying to catch you in a lie. Oakland and SF

Misty Smith Walton Was a Good Human Taken Too Soon. Here’s How You Can Help.
The story of Misty Smith Walton is one that should grip us. It should weigh on our souls. Tragic tales such as hers should never be normalized to the point where we don’t have experience an emotional response. Her death should make us sad and angry. It should inspire the

Kaiser Helps Oakland “Thrive” With Affordable Housing
According to their marketing team, Kaiser Permanente is all about the thriving, but the healthcare giant realizes it can be difficult if not impossible to “thrive” when you don’t have a roof over your head. They announced in May that they would be putting some serious money where their mouth