Folsom Street Fair
How Dark Garden Became SF’s Corsetry Haven for 35 Years
Autumn Addame’s Dark Garden has been creating exquisite designs for 35 years, and her annual Femme-centric soiree Praise is an antidote to the heavy male aspects of Folsom Street Fair, featuring live music, local and imported performers, and even Argentine Tango dancers.
What to Wear to Folsom Street Fair
Now that Burning Man has come to its epic conclusion, it’s time for San Francisco to pivot and shift its focus to our next annual outdoor event. But the question for many first timers is what to wear to Folsom Street Fair? Late September is traditionally the time for Folsom
The 90s Are Back! We Have Color Changing Shirts!
As 2024 winds down, we’re reflecting on another incredible year of sharing the stories, art, culture, and nightlife that make the Bay Area so unique. wouldn’t be what it is without you—our community of readers, supporters, and believers in independent media. This year, instead of asking you to join Patreon
First Time at Folsom Street Fair? What to Expect
It’s Folsom Street Fair, motherfuckers. Whether you’re about to indulge your polite curiosity or debut your sadomasochism, here’s some of what to expect. Citywide traffic. Throughout the city, hotels and AirBnbs run scarce. Traffic standstills accumulate on South of Market streets beginning early Sunday morning. Freaks from every corner of
COVID-19 Folsom Street Fair Still Has Full ‘Leather Week’ Of Rad Online Events
It’s LEATHER WEEK, BABY. But the Folsom Street Fair celebration is all online this year, so you are probably not going to hook up or get any action. Sunday’s official Folsom Street Fair livestream features Margaret Cho and other notables, but amazing and sexy underground haps are happening online all
The Wildest Things Ever Seen at Folsom Street Fair
We asked our readers what was the wildest thing you’ve ever seen at Folsom Street Fair?…And this is what they came up with. Not impressed? Leave your own wildest observations in the comments!
This Week’s Top Events | San Francisco and New York
Although we’re sure you already plan out your entire social life around our stellar calendar of events, we like to highlight our favorites each week. Take a gander below but make sure to check our SF & NY calendars often since they are always being updated. Got an event to submit to the calendar? Send it to Rad
Indian Summer is San Francisco’s High Holidays
While the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is blowing sad kisses to their shorts and sundresses while mournfully closing the drawers their summer clothes live in, San Franciscans are taking off as much clothing as possible and running outside.
7 Easiest Days To Get Laid In SF
There are holidays and then there are SF sanctioned holidays. They get mentions in your planner and your iCal just like Christmas, and yes, you will be getting so drunk you’ll put Arthur to shame. No matter what the occasion, we like to do it big, plentiful and more awesome than anyone else, no? Listed below are the top 7 holidays that you should definitely not be sick, taken, or sober: