free screening

FREE Movie Screening of “A Better Life” Tonight at the Paley Center
Hailing from the greater San Diego area, I’ve come across a handful of American flag-waving vigilante a-holes who make it their life missions to patrol and “protect” the U.S. border from immigrants who are supposedly going to steal their jobs, and ruin everything. You can probably guess how I feel

FREE Screening of “On the Street,” Tomorrow at the New York Public Library
Seriously, how cool is this– during 1980 to 1990, photographer Amy Arbus took pictures of local New York City color for the “On the Street” section of the Village Voice. Years later, as she was preparing to publish a book of her work, she wondered what happened to many of her

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

FREE Surf Films and Pizza at The Riptide
It’s probably pretty hard to be broke if you live all the way in the Outer Sunset because those cab fares can’t be cheap. But like any decent neighborhood it must have its share of cheap neighborhood bars, otherwise people wouldn’t live there, right? The Riptide must be pretty rad

Free Screening of Mad Men Premiere in Times Square
I’m sure over the past couple weeks you’ve heard your fair share of buzz over the return of Mad Men. I for one am guilty of avatar-ing myself into over-the-top fandom territory. And with good reason. Because in the pit of despair that is the summer television line-up, our prayers

FREE Screening of a Movie About the Wheels Coming Off
Because it is not all about sex, drugs, booze, and cheap food, today you can see a screening of a documentary that sheds light on some of the behind the scenes scenes that are all part of making a movie. See Abel Ferrara, the Bronx born director of Keitel led