
Hey Ed Lee, Don’t be a Jerk! Sign the State of Emergency on Homelessness!
Of all the bullshit that Ed Lee will remembered for, his handling of San Francisco’s homelessness crisis will have a place of honor in the annals of bullshittery. Homelessness has been steadily getting worse citywide and in some neighborhoods, like SOMA and The Mission, it has reached public health crisis

SF City Worker Refuses to Destroy a Homeless Person’s ‘Tiny Home’
This video just made it my way. In it you see an SF city worker sitting in her car watching as her coworkers tear down someone’s ‘tiny home’ and she refuses to participate. You hear her say “I don’t want no parts of that shit…ain’t none of my shit being

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

What Needs to be Done About San Francisco’s Tent City
Guest post by Jennifer Friedenbach from the Coalition on Homelessness I met a woman the other day, one of the much maligned tent dwellers, and she told me how awful it is living outside. She is scared all the time, of course, us woman do like having our locked doors,

Rad Benefit for the Homeless Prenatal Program with Jazz Violinist Regina Carter
Guest Post by Mirriam Rafiq Braden On February 27, 2016, jazz violinist and former Resident Director at SFJAZZ Regina Carter will dedicate an evening of community and celebration to the Homeless Prenatal Program (HPP). HPP is thrilled to host Carter at the Nourse Auditorium in San Francisco. Over the course of her

Activists Replace Tents Confiscated By Mayor Ed Lee For Super Bowl Party
This is a guest post by Tawny Scarlet Sverdlin Feel like buying a tent to directly donate to someone? Get one here. Mayor Ed Lee has remained true to his word that homeless people would have to leave the streets of San Francisco for the Super Bowl, as evidenced by a

Mayor Lee Says Homeless Dogs Must Leave Streets For Puppy Bowl
Guest Post by Adrian Spinelli San Francisco, CA – Next week, San Francisco will transform itself into the epicenter of the nationally recognized Puppy Bowl Festivities and newly re-elected Mayor Ed Lee has a message for all of San Francisco’s homeless dogs: Get out! “They’re going to have to leave,”

12 Ways You Can Help the Homeless
Guest post by Meghan Murphy from HandUp.org HandUp is direct giving for homeless people and others in need in your neighborhood. Your donations are redeemed for basic needs like food, clothing, and medical care through their partner organizations. Learn more here. It can be an overwhelming feeling to not know

Super Bowl Protest: Tackle Homelessness
Mayor Ed Lee told homeless people they “have to leave” for the Super Bowl. Our response: “Hey Mayor Ed Lee, No Penalties for Poverty” We, the people of San Francisco, demand that Super Bowl City and Ed Lee pay and invest $5 million right now in housing – we could