
03 Aug 2021

Cuomo Refuses to Resign After Sexual Harassment Findings

All eyes are on New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Tuesday after an investigation conducted by the state’s attorney general’s office found he sexually harassed multiple women and created a “toxic” workplace culture. The immediate question was would happen next. Cuomo answered swiftly with a full-throated rebuttal, saying the report findings

08 Feb 2021

Your Second Trump Impeachment Pregame Watching Guide

There’s never a bad time to impeach Donald Trump again, and this week he’ll be on trial for his second impeachment after he encouraged MAGA chuds to storm the US Capital on January 6. Trump’s second impeachment trial starts Tuesday, so it’s time to bust out the ‘Twas the Night

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
10 Jul 2024

This Literary Magazine Release Party Will Be Epic!

The Huge Release Party for the Literary Magazine In case you haven’t heard, we just put out an incredible literary magazine called The Dreams I Dreamt: Letters to San Francisco thanks to a grant from the Civic Joy Fund. It’s a gift to San Francisco, where 19 of The City’s

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
18 Dec 2019

It Says Something When the Wealthy Turn On Trump Too

Political protests are often associated with youth, but across the Bay Area Tuesday night we saw a large presence of people well beyond the age of 50. One particular rally in Walnut Creek provided an interesting perspective on how age and economic status play into this whole impeachment thing. Hint:

27 Nov 2019

How to Survive an Impeachment Thanksgiving

If the recent CNN poll holds any weight, about half the U.S. adult population wants Donald Trump impeached and removed from office, and the other half think he’s doing a super fantastic job as president. It’s pretty much split down the middle, which could present the opportunity for awkward family

22 May 2019

Dems Might Lose If They Impeach, We All Lose If They Don’t

According to Donald J. Trump, he doesn’t “do cover-ups,” but the claim is difficult to accept given that he also doesn’t do facts. You can’t be a conscious being living anywhere near reality without acknowledging that the president has lied, at least a few times, about things that are easily

impeach trump
03 Apr 2017

Fire the Fool – Nationwide Trump Protests Are No Joke

For the last five months, it feels like this country has been leading up to one big April Fool’s joke being put on by our government. Should we ever be so lucky that was the case, yet unfortunately by now, we know it’s not. In response to “The Fool” and

Curtis Conrad Schabath 0
21 Feb 2017


IMPEACH PRESIDENT BANNON Public Art Takeover In Five Major American Cities On President’s Day — Monday, 2/20, Through 3/6 What:   Trump was tweeting “I call my own shots” after SNL’s President Bannon cold open. Feels right to keep sticking a hot poker in that wound. Plus, with the media from all