Leopold and his Fiction

This Week’s FREE Music Show Picks
At the risk, or guarantee, of sounding like an asshole, I’ve gotten so spoiled by press passes that I can no longer purchase tickets to things. So, when the passes don’t come through, I gotta go to FREE shows. Here are a couple happening this week: Wednesday’s Rumble party at

Live Music, Art and Kid Stuff at the FREE Rock Make Street Festival on Sunday!
You know how on most Sundays you sit at home getting day drunk on a mega bottle of wine and watch reruns of Tosh.0 until it gets dark out because there isn’t nearly enough sun to coax you off the couch, and then there’s those Sundays where there’s a million

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

San Francisco Ticket Giveaways!!!
So a couple different people have gotten at me recently about some cool events they’re doing and I thought, “Hey maybe I can get them to pass me FREE tickets to giveaway.” I mean truthfully, if you come to this site often, all I’ve given you thus far is ways

Mission Creek Festival’s Awesome FREE Concert
It’s been 13 years since the the Mission Creek Music Festival first began, and this year they’ve decided to take their awesome rating up a notch and attain the highly salivated after rank of “Awesomer”. That’s right, while the festival is raging throughout Oakland and San Francisco from July 10th-25th

Haight Street Fair: A Broke-Ass Photo Wrap-Up
Did you go to the Haight Street Fair yesterday? The weather was beautiful and it seems like those motherfuckers roped in the sun just right, making it the perfect summer day for a festival. If you didn’t check it out, you can get a glimpse through all of my pre-drunken