mass incarceration

Supervisor Matt Dorsey Wants ‘100 arrests a night’ Going Forward
Supervisor Matt Dorsey is proposing a plan to make “at least 100 arrests” per night in South of Market, with the goal of funneling the sick and suffering into “compulsory detox and treatment” through Mayor-elect Daniel Lurie’s new measures.

Reminder: One-Third Of Firefighters In The Wildfires Are Inmates
We’re watching in helpless horror as the Tahoe Basin is enveloped with wildfires. This leads us to forget that there are currently 18 wildfires burning across California, including the Dixie Fire — which has been burning for more than a month — and is still not even halfway contained. Don't

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Scott Wiener Tries Again to End Mandatory Sentences for Nonviolent Drug Offenders
Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, introduced legislation Tuesday that aims to end minimum sentencing for nonviolent drug offenders. In a Tweet Tuesday, Wiener said: “The War on Drugs failed. Let’s own that failure & move forward.” As one commenter quickly pointed out, the War on Drugs succeeded at one thing: