05 Oct 2022

Why I left Portland and Returned to San Francisco

While friends in both cities asked why I planned to return, they asked the same question two different ways. Portland asked with the doubt of a dysfunctional parent, one who knows the answer and resents it. “It’s so expensive there. Isn’t that why you left in the first place?” I

Jake Warren 0
21 Jun 2018

Hackers Dox ICE, Microsoft Employees Rebel, & Trump Backs Down

Outrage over the Trump administration separating children from their families at the border reached a boiling point this week. While activists shut down ICE headquarters in Portland, in Washington DC protesters chased Homeland Security Director Kirstjen Nielsen out of a Mexican restaurant, tech workers and activist hackers also took action, sparking conflict over censorship, ethics, and the control big tech companies have over what we see and do online.tech workers and activist hackers also took action, sparking conflict over censorship, ethics, and the control big tech companies have over what we see and do online.

Guest Writer 0
10 Jul 2024

This Literary Magazine Release Party Will Be Epic!

The Huge Release Party for the Literary Magazine In case you haven’t heard, we just put out an incredible literary magazine called The Dreams I Dreamt: Letters to San Francisco thanks to a grant from the Civic Joy Fund. It’s a gift to San Francisco, where 19 of The City’s

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
30 Aug 2017

We wanna send you and a friend to see Chris Cosentino in conversation with Liam Mayclem!

The best parts of many things are often hidden, and food is no exception. Chef Chris Cosentino’s goal is to help you discover these forgotten gems in food. In his new cookbook, Offal Good: Cooking from the Heart, with Guts, Cosentino explores the hidden world of underappreciated ingredients and the best

illyannam 0
09 Jan 2013

How to Not Murder Yourself in Portland This Winter

Like most people that live in Portland right now, you’re probably thinking something along the lines of “the sky is grey, everything is grey, the choices I make get perpetually worse every year, my life is going nowhere, I want to die, is there someone available to take care of

Chloe Newsom - Dive Bar Desperado 0
06 Dec 2012

Portland, You’re a Dirty Little Slut

Some dude who is probably leaving Portland after a one-year stand. Portland, my little city of dreams. I love you so much. Everyone claims to love you so much. Your dreary grey skies make for pretty poetry and days full of coffee and booze and strip clubs and cheap, delicious

Chloe Newsom - Dive Bar Desperado 0
23 Jul 2012

PDeXes and Why There is a Strong Possibility That We Are All Dying Alone*

GRRRR! Let’s date! Portland is not famous for it’s “people who are committed to just sleeping with one dude or chick for a presumably extended period of time” rate, let alone the amount of successful marriages. Whether you’re hanging out with someone in their mid-30s who is struggling not to overdose on

Chloe Newsom - Dive Bar Desperado 0
16 Jul 2012

Dear Portland – Stop Texting Me to Hangout at 2pm on a Weekday

So I moved to Portland last summer from San Francisco and, as you can tell from my previous posts, (A Scumbag’s Guide to Portland) I’m madly in love with it.

Chloe Newsom - Dive Bar Desperado 0
12 Jun 2012

A Scumbag’s Guide to Portland – The Final Chapter

Hi GUYS! It’s been a second. Sorry about the delayed finale to this series, but I’ve been travelling/hungover most days in the past month and I just really didn’t feel like doling out recommendations to you because there’s a part of me that thinks maybe I should clean up my act and calm down and put a halt to this raucous, unstable, indulgent, satanic party of a lifestyle.

Chloe Newsom - Dive Bar Desperado 0