recall gavin newsom

It’s Official — Angelyne Got More Votes Than Caitlyn Jenner in The Recall Vote In SF
Even though the Gavin Newsom recall election was nearly three weeks ago, election results still need to be certified and made official. That means double and triple-counting the ballots to make absolutely sure the results are correct, and that can take weeks. But the San Francisco Department of Elections just

Gavin Looking Good As Recall Fails Spectacularly
The Recall Gavin Newsom election was such a blowout loss for the recall that the neworks all called the election a mere 37 minutes after the polls closed. They’re still counting votes, though, and according to the current numbers from the California Secretary of State, the recall failed by a

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

How You Can Still Vote In The Recall Election (If You Haven’t Yet)
Recall Election Day is Tuesday, Sept. 14, which is just about to happen. What if you still haven’t returned your ballot? It’s very easy to do so and still have it counted. And some lunatic Trump Republican could take over the state if you don’t vote, so people, it is

9 Reasons to Vote No on the Newsom Recall Even If You Hate Newsom
The Recall Gavin Newsom election is less than a month away, and you probably already have your mail-in ballot. The whole recall is bankrolled by just a few wealthy Republicans, and that’s just one of the reasons you should vote No on the recall. But consider these nine other absolutely

Caitlyn Jenner Goes To Conservative Conference, Gets Mocked Ruthlessly
Is it funny, detestable, or poetic justice that trans California governor candidate Caitlyn Jenner had abuse hurled at her at the CPAC consertvative conference this weekend in Dallas? Or is it funny, detestable, AND poetic justice all wrapped in one? Caitlyn Jenner was harassed yesterday at CPAC. — PatriotTakes

The ‘Recall Gavin Newsom’ Effort Is Basically Just 5 Guys
The media is being largely hoodwinked about the “Recall Gavin Newsom” movement, which is currently operating under the name Rescue California. The New York Post calls it “a grassroots recall effort.” Fox News claims the movement is “picking up steam.” Newsweek insists that the effort has “gained traction,” and reprints