the Misison

28 Jun 2024

A Love Letter to San Francisco’s Mission District in 2006

Of all the things I miss the most about living in SF, I miss The Mission in 2006 the most. Back in 2006, The Mission looked much different than it does today. I look back on the mid-2000s with fondness… favorite thrift stores, hole-in-the-wall spots to eat, and the best

Katy Atchison 0
20 Dec 2011

Zach Rogue Lights the Chanukah Candles Tonight @ Tikva Records

Only one week left for the Idelsohn Society for Musical Preservation’s pop-up Jewish record store, Tikva Records, in the Mission (3191 Mission St.). Read all about it in Aidin Vaziri’s Chronicle article). Music? Jews? You know how much I like both of those things. So the first ever Jewish pop-up

Chloe - Pennywise Reporter 0