traffic fatalities

18 May 2024

Should the Elderly Retest to Hold a Driver’s License?

On March 16th in West Portal, 78-year-old Mary Fong Lau sped east up Ulloa Street.  Her SUV barrelled past Wawona towards Lenox Way, where a family of four stood waiting for a bus to the zoo. She crossed the painted yellow lines and train tracks embedded in the road and

Jake Warren 0
13 Nov 2019

Breed Tapped a New Transit Agency Director to Fix Muni

Mayor London Breed Wednesday tapped a new director of transportation to lead the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency.  The mayor and city at large hope Jeffrey Tumlin can do what Ed Reiskin failed to do before him: Fix the damn Muni system. Reiskin resigned in April under intense criticism. Muni