Arts and CultureBoozeSan Francisco

Cheap Drinks — Yelp Drinks Week!

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

I hope you’re paying attention because THIS IS IMPORTANT: Today is the last day of San Francisco’s Yelp Drinks Week.  Twenty-five participating bars and restaurants are selling selected drinks for half off.  That’s halfway to FREE.  Get on that shit!

Yelp says that these deals are good all day “until supplies last,” which presumably means whenever the bar runs out of their discounted booze.  That means you better get started early, as in, right now.  Don’t worry, drinking this early in the day doesn’t make you an alcoholic.  It makes you financially responsible.

Here is a map of all the participating locations so you can plan your Muni route accordingly.

If for some reason you can’t make the event in San Francisco, fret not.  Yelp is sponsoring another Drinks Week in Silicon Valley starting Monday; East Bay Yelp Drinks Week starts the following Monday the 15th.  Thank God for small favors (and cheap handouts).

Google Map compliments of Max Elman

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Rebecca Pederson - Cheap Date

Rebecca Pederson - Cheap Date

Rebecca graduated from UC Santa Cruz with a degree in Literature, but she tells everyone she majored in Psychology so they don't ask her for book recommendations. She likes coffee, pickles, free yoga classes, and spends a lot of time with her dog.