Arts and CultureSan Francisco

FREE Crafts, Poems and Music Tonight at the de Young

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The Friday Nights at the de Young series, in which the museum stays open until 8:45pm and features tons of FREE activities, including films, music and DIY crafts, has always been a popular, classy way to kick off the weekend.  But at tonight’s edition, “Folk You!” sponsored by the SF Bay Guardian, there really is something for everyone.

For your roommate’s parents visiting from Bakersfield:  A live show by San Francisco-based Red Meat, who will be busting out their signature mash-up of bluegrass, country, swing, and gospel.  Ravage your closet until you locate the snap-up denim shirt and Wranglers you bought in college for that white trash-themed costume party and show these folks a good time!

For the kids you babysit:  Learn to hand-spin yarn and needle felt some wool patches in the Murals Room with Urban Fauna Studio, the green fiber art and craft shop.  Resist the urge to steal the kids’ projects after they’ve fallen asleep because their patches are infinitely better than the ones you’ve butchered.

For the art school student you’re trying to bang:  Exhibition of local artists Sonya Philip and Vera Costa.  Make it seem totally organic when the conversation about this interesting art turns deep and you suggest going back to your place for some other deep things (I’m thinking -dish pepperoni pizza from Little Star, but you get the smutty implications).

For the lovers, the dreamers, and me (as Kermit the Frog would say):  FREE poems by Silvi Alcivar, the scribe behind The Poetry Store.  I had the pleasure of meeting the wonderful Silvi, her vintage desk and trusty typewriter at the last Divisadero Art Walk.  I informed her I would like a hopeful poem, and in, like, one second, she dreamed up s0me lovely verses involving hearts bending and stones in rivers — real Whitman-y.  Point is, I’m now obsessed with The Poetry Store, and if you talk to Silvi for even a minute, you will be too.

For all broke-asses in general:  Enter to win prizes from SF retailers like Isso and Dema at the Guardian table.  Extra points if you figure out how to rig this so only you and your friends get the FREE loot.

Friday, March 19, 6pm-8:45pm FOLK YOU! at the de Young Museum 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Dr. [Golden Gate Park] FREE
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Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator

When Christy announced she was leaving her family's Southern California home and moving to San Francisco, her mom said, "Have fun in that den of sin." This is the only (however sarcastic) advice Christy has ever taken from her mom, who also told her to join and cover her eyes during sex scenes in movies. Christy puts her creative writing degree to good use by locating the typos on Chinese food menus and spends most of her time challenging friends to all-you-can-eat contests and trying to get that one bartender at Zeitgeist to smile.