FREE BBQ During World Cup Coverage at Northstar on Saturday
I agree with Ashley — I just don’t get the fuss over The World Cup. I mean, seriously, (hypothetical) guy I’m dating, you’re going to drag me to a bar to watch a sport I’ve never seen you watch, much less talk about (except to declare in passing one time that out of all the sports players, those who play hockey are the toughest, while soccer players are the pussiest), and act all nationalistic when usually it’s all like, “Fuck America! Europe’s so much more progressive.”
While I don’t care about nor understand people’s obsession with The World Cup, on Saturday Northstar Cafe is giving me something I do understand — FREE BBQ. The USA vs. England game starts at 11:30, with the beefy, pork-y, barbecue-y deliciousness being served at halftime. Of course it’s gonna be packed and the food will eventually run out, but I’m guessing you’ll be safe if, like me, your post during the first half of the game just happens to also be directly in front of the grill.
FREE BBQ during World Cup coverage at Northstar Cafe Saturday, June 12, 11:30am 1560 Powell St. (between Green & Vallejo) [North Beach/Telegraph Hill]