Broke-Ass Etiquette: Awkward Questions
Got a question about how to be a polite Broke-Ass? Email Half-Price Headliner with your queries and get schooled on how to be proper-like.
Q: Is it rude to ask someone in our peer group how much they pay for rent?
A: Short answer: yes. Longer answer: not if you tread lightly. Bottom line, only ask if you have a real need for that information (i.e. you’re in the market for a new apartment). If you’re just being a Nosy Nelly, stick to Craigslist and mind your own business, or that of Internet Strangers.
Preface the question with “Do you mind if I ask” (or some combination thereof) and make sure to let them know that they are in no way obligated to answer. If the answer is “I’d rather not say,” then drop it then and there and respect their request for privacy.
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