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Broke Ass Artist of the Week: Double Duchess the Dynamic Duo

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Following up on their recent appearance on The Kinda Late Show with Broke Ass Stuart and gearing up for their latest release this summer, we had a chance to talk to hyper-creative, never-boring, super fun Double Duchess.


Are you a broke­-ass artist?

Krylon:­ Right now, Hell ya. Financially broke, but artistically wealthy.

If not, can you recall a time when you were broke and really wanted to
pursue your passion? How did you make it happen?

D­avid: Yes. I’ve always hustled and had 2­3 jobs (include music stuff). I think
part of being a successful artist is learning to work within your means, and
realizing early on that the payoff is not big financially, but rather gains in
experience, travel, and notoriety.

What advice would you give to someone who is afraid to pursue a music

Walk [through] your fears, and live your dreams. You’re the only thing standing
in your way. Plus, the longer you try something the better you’ll get at it.

What are your upcoming projects/current projects?

We are releasing our album in June 2015 called “All Eyes on me”. It is our
fullest release to date, covering a wide range of emotions and sounds for
us. Stoked about it!

Was there ever a time when a lack of money made you want to stop
pursuing your dream?

K­rylon: Ummmm hm.

D­avid: Yes, because of it, I’ve dabbled back in forth with school, and have
learned to diversify my musical endeavors to make ends meet, aka have
a wider dream.

How important is money while you’re promoting a new project?

Very important because it takes a lot of hard work, timing, and
connections to successfully gain a wider audience. It can be done without,
however, its usually a longer road to travel.

Do you guys have a “day job” and if so what?

K­rylon: I am a florist, and a spiritual advisor or sorts.

D­avid: I produce events, DJ, and produce music full time.

Check out Double Duchess on soundcloud, facebook and twitter for your oral aural pleasure. And if you’d like to be featured as our “Broke Ass Artist of the Week” email us at

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Freddie Cosmo - Associate Debtitor

Freddie Cosmo - Associate Debtitor

Freddie Cosmo is a recording artist from Philadelphia, PA. living in New York City by way of Miami. He spent all his money on undergrad music school and feels as though he owes all musicians (and the universe for that matter) the most accurate information on how to be broke without giving up on their dreams. He would like to shamelessly invite you to check out his music at