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Beautiful Women In Bookstores : Shai

Updated: Dec 12, 2015 14:37
The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

Beautiful Women in Bookstores is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a celebration of reading, intelligence, independent bookstores, and of course, beautiful women. In a time when bookstores seem to be disappearing this is our effort to show how sexy books and reading really are. Each installment will have a different beautiful woman photographed in an independent bookstore and interviewed about what it is that makes reading so damn important.

If you’re interested in doing shooting your own pics for BWB and having us publish it, hit up

All photos by the incredible Victoria Smith


City Lights is a legendary bookstore.  As Stuart says, “City Lights is the Truth”.  For all the literary folklore about North Beach cafes and bars, none of the Beatnik writers or Poet Laureates left without visiting, buying or selling their wares at City Lights.  This is where the novelist wants to be on display and where the bibliophile wants to hangout.  The book selection is deeply curated, like fine art in a museum.  Their are no lightweights on the shelves at City Lights.

Opened in 1953 by Peter D. Martin & Lawrence Ferlinghetti, City Lights is a San Francisco staple, and a historical asset to our city.  Local San Franciscan Shai White chose this location for her shoot (smart girl).  Here’s what she had to say…

Name: Shai White

Where Are You From: The beautiful city of San Francisco, California

Who Are Your Favorite Authors: Dean Koontz, Lois Lowry, Dave Pelzer



What Are You Reading Right Now: Midnight In The Garden Of Good & Evil by John Berendt

Where is Your Favorite Place To Read: Either at Dolores Park or curled up in bed, with tons of pillows and Reese Pieces Sticks

Who Are Some Women That Inspire You: my mother, she is a strong smart, and caring woman. She always supports me in my dreams and ambitions.

What’s the last book that really moved you: A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer


Occupation: Model & Bartender

Is there anything sexy about good writing: most definitely! If the author can make me feel a connection, and an emotion to what I’m reading, then they’ve hooked me, and I can’t put it down until I finished, that is definitely sexy!


Who is your favorite literary character: well that depends on the book, as well as on how I’m feeling at the moment. Sometimes I’m with the hero, but sometimes I’m for the villain, but I’m always for the underdog (if there is one)

Which book have you read the most times: I’d say the Bible (does that count) ?


All photos by the incredible Victoria Smith



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Alex Mak - Managing Editor

Alex Mak - Managing Editor

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