Arts and Culture

The Young Left & Right Clash on the Daily Show

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“Black Lives Matter can’t be the new KKK, the KKK is still around” – Trevor Noah responding to Tomi Lahren statements comparing #blacklivesmatter to the KKK.

Tami Lahron has become one of the most powerful conservative voices on social media.  She currently hosts Tomi for TheBlaze, her videos on facebook get millions of views.  She is 24 years old, fiercely critical of liberal policies and a staunch supporter of Donald Trump.  I personally follow her on facebook in order to keep in touch with what Right is currently being angry about.

Trevor Noah is a comedian from South Africa who lived through apartheid and took over Comedy Central’s The Daily Show after Jon Stewart stepped down.  He is literally African American, defends liberal principles, and makes fun of everything Trump stands for. These two popular culture behemoths don’t agree on anything politically, and they have next to nothing in common other than the youth of the left and right listen to them in the millions.

They should have a debate every week, seriously, we need some discourse in American now more than ever.

While Trevor Noah says things like, “There’s nothing wrong with seeing color, it’s how you treat color that matters.”  Tomi says things like, “Because I’m white, I can’t criticize anything a black movement does without being called a racist.”  They really need to talk more often.

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Alex Mak - Managing Editor

Alex Mak - Managing Editor

I'm the managing editor and co-owner of this little experiment. I enjoy covering & Publishing Bay Area News as well as writing about Arts, Culture & Nightlife.

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