Arts and CultureNew YorkSan Francisco

La La Land Wins…wait…nevermind. Moonlight wins best picture!

Updated: Mar 01, 2017 14:04
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I never watch awards shows. Never. My spouse and my in-laws watch that shit on the reg. But, I have never invested any time or effort into watching awards shows because if the award ain’t going to me, what’s the point? This year I had a special interest in the Oscars, as I’d like to think most East Bay POCs did, because we were looking out for our Oakland man, Mahershala Ali. And with looking out for him, we were waiting on that Moonlight to collect its shiny gold men.


Mahershala Ali received one of the first awards, Best Actor in a Supporting Role for Moonlight. The first muslim to ever win an Oscar. Good. I’m done with the awards show. But, my spouse continued to watch and I kept an ear out in the background. A billion hours later, the Best Picture category was up and La La Land received the award. They swarmed the stage. When the third person began their congratulatory speech…pause. Oh, what? Wait…what? Someone gave Warren Beatty the wrong card? You say Moonlight won? MOONLIGHT WON BEST PICTURE!

Did you see how hard he snatched that card out of Beatty’s hand?! Gimme this shit. And of course, the Twittersphere took this opportunity to lend their gentle support in soothing comfort. And some comparing the mistake to Steve Harvey when he mis-crowned Miss Universe in 2015.



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