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Check Out This Boob Art Show Supporting Planned Parenthood

Updated: May 26, 2017 10:36
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Advertisers and mass marketers are hip to our love of the boob and enjoy co-opting it for their own nefarious purposes. Nobody asked breasts if they wanted to sell muscle cars and light beer. Nobody asked them if they enjoyed men’s pro basketball games or boxing matches, but they were dragooned there as well.

But finally someone did interview breasts! I think it was either Ellen or Anderson Cooper. Anyway the girls were a little shy at first, probably because nobody ever asks them their opinion on gentrification or banking regulations. Finally after a long, pregnant pause they said, “Thank you for asking. We would like to be depicted in gorgeous, interesting ways by feminist artists. Also, we’d like to raise money for Planned Parenthood.”

Thank goodness Erin Fong and Taylor Reid were listening and took action to make the dreams of breasts come true. “The Peep Show” is the result of their collaboration with breasts, many cool as fuck artists and Mule Gallery. The result is a mesmerizing display of mammography that’s as diverse as breasts themselves. Watercolors, neon, felting, tapestries, prints, etc. Breasts of all colors, sizes, shapes and moods. Each piece like a badass woman, empowering and comforting at the same time.

Seriously, if you’ve been looking for a super classy way to see some boobs in North Beach, then look no further than “The Peep Show.” As you might have guessed, this mam-o-centric benefit was inspired by the election of the Cheeto-in-Chief and his attack on women’s health care. What a beautiful response to a terrible thing! Sure it’s a bummer that you missed the opening night celebration with the breast balloon drop to the back beat of Beyonce’s “Who runs the world,” but you can still see all the beautiful bazongas for yourself. Everyone has a reason to be thankful for breasts and finally you have a chance to give back. But hurry up people. The show closes THIS Saturday.


So if you like boobs and reproductive rights and supporting the arts come on down! The art is reasonably priced from $20 and 50-100% of the profits will go to Planned Parenthood. If you can’t make it to to the show you can still purchase a boob print to help keep real boobs, and the women in charge of them, healthy. Rarely has looking at beautiful breasts been so altruistic.

How many different euphemisms for breasts can you think of? Go! When you’re done with this fun game, grab a roll of quarters and get your ass to Mule Gallery where you can get a custom mini prints of some of the many mammary monikers. They are trapped in one of the cute machines that we used to beg our parents for change for when we were kids. Art and boobs for a $1? Get down there right now you lucky dirty dog!

This is a working design shop so if the door is locked knock and they will happily let you in. And since art appreciating is thirsty work stop at the Saloon on the corner after and grab a $3.50 PBR. Cash only too. Just bring gobs of money for boobs and beer, okay? Okay.


Mule Gallery
80 Fresno Street
Wednesday – Friday 1-6
Saturday noon – 6

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Heather Robinson - Artisanal Trouble Maker

Heather Robinson - Artisanal Trouble Maker

Heather Robinson has been doing stupid stuff in San Francisco for almost 10 years. She loves dive bars, typewriters, and creative people. Buy her a beer and she'll solve all your problems.