
12 Feb 2016

What Europeans say about U.S. Presidential Candidates

Being in the public eye, especially as a politician, every single thing you do gets scrutinized. Imagine your high school days, but on social crack. From social media, to the things you say, the things you tweet, those embarrassing moments, it’s all judged. I once had a writing tutor tell

12 Feb 2016

Low-Income Tenants Stopped Their Eviction and Kept Their Rent-Controlled Homes

Finally there’s some good news for a change. San Francisco Community Land Trust & Mission Economic Development Agency successfully negotiated the sale of five buildings, actively under Ellis Act Eviction, spread across the Mission, SoMa, Duboce Triangle and the Western Addition. Thirteen lower income households comprised of artists, seniors, Latino families,

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
12 Feb 2016

Wise Sons’ Bagels One Day Preview Sounds Delicious

The masterminds behind the Mission district Wise Sons Jewish Delicatessen no longer want to outsource their bagels from Oakland’s Beauty’s Bagel Shop. I mean shit, they’re Jewish…make your own damn bagels, am I right?

illyannam 0
11 Feb 2016

Doc’s Clock is Closing

Goddamn it! Yet another fantastic San Francisco dive bar is heading to the chopping block. I just ran into Carey, Doc’s Clock’s proprietor and she confirmed that when the bar’s lease is up in a year and a half, the new building owner won’t be renewing it. The building that houses

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
11 Feb 2016

This Week’s Events | San Francisco + New York

Rad Upcoming SF Events STRAIGHT OUTTA HUNTERS POINT THU. 2/11 | 7:00PM @ ROXIE THEATER Local filmmaker Kevin Epps gives us a portrait of what he knows best, the neighborhood in San Francisco where he grew up, Hunters Point. A complex depiction, Straight Outta Hunters Point covers the turf wars

illyannam 0
11 Feb 2016

I’m Too Fuckin Old for EDM Festivals…and so are you

Adding to the list of events nowhere near Levi Stadium but christened “super bowl events”: Super City 50 EDM cluster fuck fest 2016! I spent my Saturday night bumping around this event. First off dear reader, you may be offended at the title; too bad, reality is a cold hard

sarahk 0
11 Feb 2016

We’ve got the hookup on Noise Pop Presents The Metric @ The Masonic!

Metric is a Canadian band founded in 1998.  The band started as a duo formed by Emily Haines and James Shaw with the name “Mainstream.” Join Noise Pop as they present The Metric performing at the historical Masonic.

illyannam 0

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