
31 Mar 2009

There Will (Probably) Be Blood…and Tote Bags!

For all you folks in the Big Apple: unless you’re  a dude with no girlfriend or have been mercifully able to avoid leaving Brooklyn and entering Manhattan in the past several weeks, you know that North America’s very first Topshop is set to open this Thursday in Soho.  The ads

BAS Writers 0
31 Mar 2009

FREE Laser Hair Removal and Shopping. YAY!

Today Vada Spa is having a day of ‘œBeauty and Fashion’. The fashion is the spring line from Signette (a marriage of “European good taste and American practicality”), on sale up to 60%. The ‘œbeauty’ of course does not refer to symmetrical bone structure surgery, let alone character development, but

31 Mar 2009

Habibi’s $10 Hookah, Baby

Benito has the familiar build of a lounge busser: stocky, clean shaven, latino. However, common to small establishments (pardon the euphemism), his role is actually much larger. Prior to opening he mops Habibi’s floor, rearranges furniture, and hoses down the sidewalk. He sets up the DJ booth ‘“ plugging the

30 Mar 2009

Free Fancy Pants Coffee at Four Barrel

I’m not a coffee drinker.  Not that there’s anything wrong with it (for fuck’s sake, we all know I have more vices than I can count), it’s just never been my thing.  But I certainly know how important the dark drink is to some people.  Back in high school I

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
30 Mar 2009

Be a Baglady or Man

Sustainable bags of the non-tea variety (be it quaffable leaf or indigestible balls) will be all yours today if you decide to partake in a little DIY  thanks to a partnership made in Brooklyn between the 3rd Ward and Bags fr the People.  Even if you bought all 6 of

30 Mar 2009

Stripping: “Desparate Measures More Acceptable”

I probably wouldn’t address stripper trends unless it meant drastic price reductions, but I had an interesting encounter tangentially related to recession’s effect on skin shows. Last Sunday I met a friend of a friend. It was 6 pm and she had woken up moments before, still drunk from her

29 Mar 2009

The Remedy for Your Sunday Morning Palsy

When it comes to Sunday morning coming down, the city’s homo denizens pretty much have a routine worked out, whether it be brunch, salsa, or the beer bust.  What happens after those wrap up has always been a little problematic if you aren’t completely shattered or haven’t already followed someone

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0

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So I can send you awesome freebies, weird events, incredible articles, and gold doubloons (note: one of these is not true).


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