
14 Apr 2016

Behind The Scenes W/ Curt Branom at Beach Blanket Babylon

We go behind the scenes at BBB with King Louis, aka Bernie Sanders, aka Michelle Bauchman, aka actor and singer Curt Branom, to find out how the performers pull off this incredible variety show night in and night out. On any given night the performers at BBB will do over 120 costume changes per show, and we’re not talking about simply changing hats.

14 Apr 2016

How to Get Fit When You’re Broke (or in Prison)

Summer’s just around the corner. If you live somewhere other than foggy, body-positive San Francisco, that means beach weather and the pressure to do something about your muffin-top or chicken-legs or man-boobs. If fitness isn’t already a part of your life, you might think a gym is the only place

Cut-Rate Curmudgeon 0
14 Apr 2016

Which Golden State Warriors Have The Biggest D*cks? An Analysis

As the Warriors complete the greatest season ever in NBA history (73-9), one’s curiosity inevitably turns to which member of the Golden State Warriors squad has the biggest dick. We bust out the tape measure and size up the Warriors accordingly in the analysis below.

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
13 Apr 2016

Game Developers Blew Kickstarter Money on Booze and Strippers

Guest post by Christophe Blake Parker Go ahead and picture your average gamer. What do you see? What images first come to mind. A pimple-faced teenager holed up in his room playing World of Warcraft? A businesswoman tapping frantically at her screen while she plays the eighth billion level of

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
13 Apr 2016

An Interview with Dita von Teese: Strip Strip Hooray!

Dita von Teese is coming back to San Francisco with her newest show, Strip Strip Hooray!, at the Regency Ballroom from April 17-19. You can buy tickets here. First, you’re going to want to read about her love of all things San Francisco, sexy dancing men and drag queens. To

Candace Cui - Actual Unicorn 0
13 Apr 2016

The Benjamin Franklin of Monogamy

This is hands down one of the best poems I’ve ever read. My dear friend Alida turned me on to it and ever since I’ve been obsessed. The poem is by Jeffrey McDaniel and it appears in his book The Splinter Factory, which you should obviously buy because he’s a poet

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
12 Apr 2016

This is your chance to see Har Mar Superstar perform live @ Bottom of the Hill!

  Sean Tillmann has been making records under the name “Har Mar Superstar” since 1999.  Under the Har Mar moniker, Sean has gone through a plethora of phases, ranging from fun-loving, beats-based music pioneer (he and Peaches shared stages early on) to angry arena crowd opener (a 2002 public lewdness

illyannam 0

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