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When Is The Mainstream Media Going To Get Bored Of Hating San Francisco?

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Every week I write articles and I do quick scans of recent news involving San Francisco, Oakland and California to see if I can gain enough inspiration to give my opinion on what’s happening in a way that isn’t boring to you, the reader. 

I’ve noticed something. Every. Single. Fucking. Week. There are new articles and videos published by Fox News and other media organizations covering the exact same thing: Urban decay in San Francisco. And honestly, there are legitimate arguments to be made about the current state of Downtown and how the city is failing its most vulnerable, but it’s also getting fucking boring.


If you leave it up to Fox News and the rest of the mainstream press no one has ever experienced homelessness outside of San Francisco and no one has ever been murdered outside of Chicago. It’s blatant sensationalism and it’s also hyper focused on high crime areas. But San Francisco is actually… Pretty fuckin’ safe. San Francisco’s neighborhoods by and large aren’t poor. The City is actually too fucking rich. It’s exhausting how many comfy looking millionaires I see walking down the street. I literally walk around NoPa and pray to God someone fucking shits on a sidewalk. I’m kidding. I don’t want anyone to have to shit on the sidewalk, but I do want San Francisco to be more than a museum for the superficial moral causes taken up by the rich.

If you think the City is misrepresented by the media, the way it portrays city officials is even more fucking shameful.

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Dean Preston is someone I’ve run into a few times in real life and he’s always seemed nice, and honestly, for a RaDiCaL CoMMiE, he’s kind of fucking boring. He has leftist Jewish uncle vibes, which is a vibe I’ve always appreciated. He’s not going out killing cops or beating the shit out of landlords. He’s debating labor theory and calling for ceasefires. But if you ask Fox News, he might as well be leading the second Bolshevik revolution. 

He usually gets in trouble because he’s right about a lot of shit. The most recent article shitting on Dean quotes him saying that the City’s homelessness problem is “absolutely the result of capitalism.” He’s not wrong. So what’s the fucking problem? 

I know people are going to be in my comment section saying shit like “Dean blocked housing” which, if true, sucks. But I don’t know the specifics. All I’m saying is if Fox News hates someone, it’s usually a reason to like them. 

My advice to San Franciscans is this: Go outside. Depending on where you are in the city determines how accurate all the doom and gloom is. If you live in the Tenderloin, guess what? You’re going to see crazy shit. This has been true for over 100 years. The Tenderloin was the Tenderloin when Ronald Reagan was around. You conservative policies aren’t gonna stop shit. And honestly, the Tenderloin is kind of needed. A significant portion of SF looks like the backdrop of a Campaign ad for Hillary Clinton. 

Don’t get me wrong. I’m fine with shitting on San Francisco, but at least be creative. Poverty porn and disaster tourism posts are getting old. Almost as old as the average viewer of Fox News. 

You have at most 5 years of outrage left, Fox. 

Then what? 





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Abraham Woodliff - Bay Area Memelord

Abraham Woodliff - Bay Area Memelord

Abraham Woodliff is an Oakland-based writer, editor and digital content creator known for Bay Area Memes, a local meme page that has amassed nearly 200k followers. His work has appeared in SFGATE, The Bold Italic and of course, His book of short stories, personal essays and poetry entitled Don't Drown on Dry Ground is available now!