21 May 2009

The Church Key

I have the unfortunate distinction of having known Jason King for many, many years.  I knew him when he was a long haired metal head who wore nothing but Pantera and Cannibal Corpse t-shirts.  I was around for his brief and, dare I say, mediocre foray into motorcycle maintenance.  Hell,

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0 Read More
21 May 2009

Free Burning Man Documentary

As one of the rubes who has never experienced Burning Man, I have had to rely on a mental image that has been shaped by 1st hand accounts, a general idea of human perversion, and movies like Mad Max: Thunderdome.    But, here is how a they put it: “Burning Man

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20 May 2009

NYC: Sit Your Ass in the Grass

New York is currently in the midst of an on-again off-again springtime. Temperatures have vacillated wildly and we’ve had several chilly rainy days lately, which sucks and has me dreaming about the 88 degree weekend from a few weeks back.  Since New York only has about five habitable months per

BAS Writers 0 Read More
19 May 2009

Happy Hour and Fundraiser to Support Senior Lunch!

It stands to reason that, considering the trajectory of my life, there’s a very good chance that I’m gonna be an old, broke, Jew in the future.  In fact, maybe I’ll make stickers that say, “You are old, broke and senile.”  Because of this, it’s in my best interest to help

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0 Read More
17 May 2009

I am at Bay to Breakers

If you’re in San Francisco, you shouldn’t be reading this. You should be out participating in Bay to Breakers!!!

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0 Read More

50% off New Glasses + Free Shipping!

We wrote about the 6 rad reasons why shopping for glasses on GlassesUSA.com will change the way you buy glasses forever. You can read about that here. But here's the important part: YOU GET 50% OFF + free shipping on your first pair of frames. Click to find out more!

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap
16 May 2009

DIY: Goat Cheese, Onion and White Bean Salad

I basically never cooked anything for real until after college.  I grew up in a take-out household, and when my mom did decide to cook it was usually “healthy”, aka dry and sans salt, seasoning, fat or anything else that gives flavor.  So yeah, it was a few years of

BAS Writers 0 Read More
09 May 2009

Super-Cheap Snacktime on 16th – Antojitos San Miguel

  People can often be weirded out by street grub, and the location thereof will probably make or break the decision to consume it.  That’s why it’s an especially uphill battle for Antojitos San Miguel to pull in prospective customers.  Although, they have commuters breezing by them all day and

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0 Read More
09 May 2009

Operation DUMBO Date: A Cheap Date Idea

So, you have an upcoming date, but don’t want to/can’t spend any money?  Or, maybe you’ve exhausted the netflix queue with your significant other and want to do something different without being too extravagant. Strap on that parachute, kids, because I’m about to lay some some Operation DUMBO Drop-sized knowledge

Anna G - Caliburg Contributor 0 Read More