Max Bruno

20 Dec 2019

Jesus Opens Up About his Struggles with Mental Illness After Supporting Trump

After millennia in the public eye, Son of God and Savior of Mankind Jesus Christ has begun to speak candidly about his struggles with managing addiction and Bipolar Disorder. “I’ve avoided this long enough,” the member of the Holy Trinity stated while levitating in a beam of golden light. “I

05 Dec 2019

Say Whatever the F*** You Want About Barron Trump

Constitutional Law expert Pamela Karlan spoke to the House Judiciary Committee’s first impeachment-related hearing yesterday. Since then, the country has been thrown into frenzied discussion over her remarks regarding the conduct of the President: Everything I know about our Constitution and its values, and my review of the evidentiary record,

10 Jul 2024

This Literary Magazine Release Party Will Be Epic!

The Huge Release Party for the Literary Magazine In case you haven’t heard, we just put out an incredible literary magazine called The Dreams I Dreamt: Letters to San Francisco thanks to a grant from the Civic Joy Fund. It’s a gift to San Francisco, where 19 of The City’s

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
13 Nov 2019

Explosive Leaked Emails Reveal Stephen Miller is Bald

While it has already been reported that in the run-up to the 2016 election, leaked emails indicate that Stephen Miller promoted white nationalist literature, boosted racist immigration stories, and obsessed over the loss of confederate symbols – further investigation has revealed an ACTUALLY surprising detail about the White House Senior

10 Oct 2019

5 Accomplished, Incredible People Who Attempted Suicide

One of the hardest parts about suicidal thoughts (other than the whole, you know, wanting to die thing) is the shame. You can feel weak. You can feel inadequate. You can ask yourself: Why is this so hard for me? Why can’t I just carry on like everyone else? It’s

07 Oct 2019

Federal Judge Orders Trump to Untie Screaming Damsel From Train Tracks

A judge rejected the President’s argument that he was immune from “meddling do-gooders.” Monday, Oct 7 2019 – A federal Judge on Monday rejected a bold argument from President Trump that sitting Presidents are immune from investigations into their “dastardly deeds.”  Now, in addition to allowing the Manhattan District Attorney’s

02 Oct 2019

Please Stop Saying the New Joker Movie Will Cause Mass Shootings

Okay, before you write this off as some fanboy wailing, let me be perfectly clear: I’m not a superhero movie guy. I know I’m probably not making a lot of friends for saying this, but I more or less checked out after the first “Avengers” movie. When I realized that

28 Aug 2019

Try This Spectacular Rigatoni with Lamb Ragu Recipe From the Hosts of The Pasta Show

Recently celebrating its 4-year anniversary, The Pasta Show is the only stand-up comedy show where one of the hosts cooks a homemade pasta dinner for the audience, all for $10. Hosted by Kenice Mobley (Bridgetown, SF Sketchfest) and Brian Parise (Last Week Tonight, Montreal JFL), the monthly show regularly features the best

20 Aug 2019

5 Extremely Violent Video Game Moments that Didn’t Cause Mass Shootings

In the wake of even more devastating mass shootings, America was unfortunately subjected to an anthropomorphic colostomy bag full of Cheez Wiz trotting out one of the oldest dodges in the gun-nut handbook: blame video games.  “We must stop the glorification of violence in our society. This includes the gruesome