San Francisco

24 Jul 2009

FREE Ice Cream at Three Twins

A few weeks ago my girlfriend sent me a text about this event and my lazy ass just got to posting it today.  The first thing I thought when I saw her text was, “My readers will love FREE ice cream.  I can already tell they’re twisted alcoholics by the

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
23 Jul 2009

FREE Tickets for The OffSpring in San Francisco

I have particularly fond memories of The Offspring.  They were really popular the summer I first got to second base, and since the girl I was with was an older girl and thought they were cool, I thought they were cool.  But even at the age of 13 I still

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
22 Jul 2009

A Weekend of Humboldt Outdoor Adventure at a Broke-Ass Rate

It’s funny how, when you look at the kids you grew up with, some of them have ended up exactly where you thought they would.  If you told me 15 years ago that in 2009 my buddy Jon O’Connor would be leading outdoor adventures trips, I probably would’ve said, “Yeah,

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
21 Jul 2009

7 Places To Get Drunk and Lose Your Dignity: SF

Whether you admit it or cower in shame, it’s happened to all of us. The one-too-many-moment, two steps away from worshipping the porcelain god, trying to drown your sorrows…whatever you may call it, being too drunk in front of people is both humiliating and hilarious to your audience of choice.

Monica Miller - The Intern 0
20 Jul 2009

$2 Well booze, a Job Fair and a Calvacade of Other Offerings from the Hustler Club

Seems like ol’ Larry Flynt is just a regular Santy Claus.  Not only does he want to employ you, he wants you to save money at his topless dancing club.  What a guy! Most people who hang out in North Beach already know about the $2 Tuesdays at the Hustler

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0
19 Jul 2009

Cardboard Tube Fighting in Golden Gate Park

Got this the other day from Robert of the Cardboard Tube Fighting League: You can’t keep a good thing down. Come one, come all, to the Summer 2009 Cardboard Tube Fighting League Tournament. Prepare yourselves for a late afternoon of cardboard tube wielding mayhem as contestants vie for the title

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
18 Jul 2009

FREE Musical Ambrosia at Dolores Park – SF Symphony Park Day

Such a versatile venue Dolores Park is.  Though the city is awfully good about providing and utilizing public spaces, Dolores has the accessibility, beauty and ease of the best of town squares.  Whether it be a naked, divinely-inspired pageant, a derby or just lying in the sun, Dolores has something

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0
17 Jul 2009

Give Some Love Back to Dolores Park

The other day Curtis, The Creme Brulee Guy, had a great idea.  He posted on his twitter, “How many of you LOVE Dolores Park? Anyone willing to get together to help mitigate the cost to the city of cleaning up the mess we all make?”.  I was like, “Hey I

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0