
15 Nov 2009

Yoga for Everyone

Nowadays you can find a yoga scene in practically every urban center in America.  You have the hard-core fitness yoga classes, the yoga dipped in spirituality classes, the power yoga, the hot yoga, the celebrity yoga, the naked yoga, the go-every-day-at-7-am yoga, the yoga classes that feel like 5th grade

Danielle Levanas - Bargain Soul Huntress 0
12 Nov 2009

Movies to Watch When You’re Not Celebrating Holidays or Sick

I’m not a religious or particularly holiday-oriented person.  In fact, I might even be a little hostile to the idea that somehow, because it’s a specific time of the year, you should forgive & forget everything wrong in life, and just “be nice”.  Because, apparently, the other 364 days of

Anna G - Caliburg Contributor 0
10 Nov 2009

Broke-Ass Financial Coaching: The Truth About Credit Cards

“I have some store credit cards and one ‘regular’ credit card, should I get an Amex so that I can get points?” -Sam

It has been well established that we spend more money when we use a credit card versus a debit card, approximately 12% to 30% more, depending on the source. So just keep this in mind that you may spend more and therefore really pay for those points or miles. If you are not sure whether you would be disciplined or not, don’t do it, and avoid the headaches….

Betsy Crouch - Coach $izzle 0
10 Nov 2009

Protect Ya Neck!

Saturday I got super wasted and it was totally an accident.  Things started out innocently enough- a couple of beers with my sister while we waited for my boyfriend to get off of work.  Then he arrived and we had one more .  Then she went home and my boyfriend

BAS Writers 0
09 Nov 2009

Dating Shit To Stop Worrying About Now

I feel like I’ve been having a very similar conversation with a lot of different friends, be they close girl friends who date around a lot, older guy friends who crave a steady relationship, or friends closer to my age with little to no dating/sexual experience.  A lot of these

Anna G - Caliburg Contributor 0
08 Nov 2009

Sick of the Flu?

The Flu.  Influenza.  Seasonal Flu.  Swine Flu.  Avian Flu.  Asiatic Flu.  H1N1. Gastroenteritis.  Flu Pandemic.  I know’ You are sick of hearing about the flu.  You’ve been oversaturated beyond belief and don’t even want to hear another fear-based scare tactic report on the virus.  However, let’s face it.  When you’re

Danielle Levanas - Bargain Soul Huntress 0
06 Nov 2009

How to Lose a Gay in 10 Seconds

I’ve only recently discovered the importance of a sturdy meal before a night out. There I was at the bar and in walks a mega babe who proceeded to join the group I was with. Once he started yapping, he spit out his words with a British accent which just

Ryan Miller- Depleted Resource Analyst 0
04 Nov 2009

A Guide to Riding the SF MUNI: Part One

Anyone who lives in San Francisco knows your ride home can make or break your night. You may see something devastating like a baby taking it’s first steps, or something hilarious like an elderly woman falling from her walker. Either way, you’re going to cry after you masturbate and that’s

Ryan Miller- Depleted Resource Analyst 0