Arts and Culture

02 Jul 2010

Jazz Isn’t Just For Old, Boring People at the Fillmore Jazz Festival

Of course, this being the 4th of July holiday weekend, you know you’re about to go get pretty fucked up at least one of the days, whether you’re in the city, slutting it up in Vegas or houseboating like Gramps used to do in Shasta.  That’s why it’s pretty awesome

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0
02 Jul 2010

St. Nick’s Pub – The Best Underground Jazz in New York

St. Nick’s is one of the true gems you’ll find in Harlem and one of the best underground places in NY (possibly the world) to see live jazz.  It takes jazz back to where it came from, small dingy dive bars with real drinkers and working class people, not the

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
01 Jul 2010

Street Art Goes Legit During FREE Friday Night Soirée at the DeYoung

Imagine for a moment a world where Street Art is prominently displayed on the walls of a well-respected art museum. Imagine a world where trash is turned into something other than a big pile around the trash can because the trash can is full. A world where every cold, irony-shriveled

Andrew Dalton - Aggressive Panhandler 0
01 Jul 2010

$1 Jell-o Shots, Animal Behaviour and $100 to the newest CHICKENBEAR at the Powerhouse July 4

‘œAre you bummed that there isn’t a San Francisco Street fair that specifically targets your metaphoric internal homo animal designation? Are you sorta chickeny? Fox-curious? Wolflexible? Does leave you lukewarm? Are you a Turkey Vulture? A pigasus? A bearacat?’ So say Walter Gòmez and Mica Sigourney of CHICKENBEAR. Sounding

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0
30 Jun 2010

Humpday Video: RuPaul “Covergirl”

In honor of NYC’s Gay Pride weekend and RuPaul’s DragRace, the most amazing televised game show ever, I submit, for your consideration RuPaul’s “Covergirl”, featuring someone named Rebecca Glasscock who I believe is a dragrace contestant. That pretty much says everything, I think. Work.

BAS Writers 0
30 Jun 2010

Why the New Clipper Card is Good News for The Brokes

If you haven’t ridden any Bay Area public transit in a while (I know! It’s expensive these days, right?) you might have missed out on the billions of ads for the new one-card-to-rule-them-all transit pass system called Clipper. Apparently Clipper isn’t much more than a fancy focus-grouped version of Translink,

Andrew Dalton - Aggressive Panhandler 0
30 Jun 2010

Photos and Video from the June Pub Crawl

Ah yes…yet another kick ass pub crawl has come and gone.  I know it happened a few weeks ago, but I’m a busy motherfucker, so I just now got around to getting all this stuff organized. What can I say?  Despite how awesome it looks, it was even awesomer! We

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
30 Jun 2010

White Trash Heaven: Blingo and Frito Pie at Butter Tonight

I’m always looking for different things to do on weeknights other than, say, go straight home after work, have a glass of wine (or a bottle, depending on how much of a penis wrinkle my boss was being that day), order Big Lantern and fall asleep to reruns of The

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0