Arts and Culture

20 Jul 2010

Get Smart About Fish, Get FREE Sushi

I eat fish a lot – a lot – because I am a fitness-conscious person who is interested in things like healthy fats and keeping my thighs to a minimum. But I’ll be the first to admit I, rather shamefully, don’t know much about the species of fish that I

Polina Yamshchikov - Flirt Poor 0
20 Jul 2010

FREE Ticket Giveaway: Jewish Film Festival

I know, I know, I’m writing another Jewish-centric post, but this one involves giving away FREE stuff, which Jews rarely do, so savor the moment! It’s a running joke in my household that my dad only likes to watch Jewish movies. I swear to god (or should I say “Hashem?”),

Chloe - Pennywise Reporter 0
20 Jul 2010

The Future of Pranks

One of my favorite memories of my adolescence was pulling hilarious pranks on unsuspecting fools.  Prank calls, toilet-papering houses, the ole rubber band on the kitchen sink spray thingy (sorry Mom); all good times. Unfortunately for the youth of today, these simple pleasures have given way to spiffy technology and

Alison Lambert - Half Price Headliner 0
20 Jul 2010

L Magazine’s Summer Screen Triumphant Return to Williamsburg

Every summer, we gush over the benefits of free outdoor movie screenings and how their awesomeness can never can eclipsed. This is what happens to a drive-in theater deprived nation. While you can catch a flick each week all over the city to suit your style, there are some screen

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
19 Jul 2010

Sailing School In Jersey City!

This past week I was fortunate to check something off my bucket list.  I finally tried an activity that I have wanted to learn for my whole life’I learned to sail.  Now this activity is not cheap BUT it can get you into circles of people who have real money. 

Christine Witmer - Sparing Stringer 0
19 Jul 2010

Does Playing Lacrosse Lead to Rape?

What with Mel Gibson’s recent outburst, this particular story has not gotten the media “buzz” that I feel it so richly deserves, but nevertheless, I will continue. I guess, like a lot of people, I’m horrified and saddened and everything else about what happened with Judy Blume’s grandson. Yes, for

BAS Writers 0
17 Jul 2010

Market SF – Cool Art and Cheap Booze

Market SF combines two of my favorite things: alcohol and art!  When don’t they go together?!  Happily, each and every Saturday the two combine to help local artists and designers find patrons, and vice versa.  Even if you can’t afford the art it’s a great opportunity to learn you some

Alison Lambert - Half Price Headliner 0
16 Jul 2010

Super Cheap Dance Classes at ODC Dance Commons

How many times have you been sitting around in your apartment watching reruns of “Intervention” on that shitty Ikea couch that your roommate broke (yes, broke) who knows how many years ago, but has never fixed and thought, “You know, I love watching this guy ruin his life by smoking

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0