Arts and Culture

15 Nov 2009

Yoga for Everyone

Nowadays you can find a yoga scene in practically every urban center in America.  You have the hard-core fitness yoga classes, the yoga dipped in spirituality classes, the power yoga, the hot yoga, the celebrity yoga, the naked yoga, the go-every-day-at-7-am yoga, the yoga classes that feel like 5th grade

Danielle Levanas - Bargain Soul Huntress 0
15 Nov 2009

Lions, Tigers, and Squirrels Oh My! Taxidermy Contest

It seems you can hardly go out for a drink these days without stumbling upon a Moose head or some other stuffed creature staring back at you with those lifeless eyes. New Yorkers love to cultivate eccentric hobbies, so I guess it should come as no surprise that Taxidermy is

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
14 Nov 2009

Floating Brothel: A Show at Galapagos

Remember the first time you heard about Australia being populated by British convicts?  I was convinced I was being lied to.  But no, the all-male British penal colony of New South Wales existed, and somewhere along the line they decided to start sending female convicts there too.  Guess the ladies

Danielle Levanas - Bargain Soul Huntress 0
14 Nov 2009

James Franco + Art + Two movies for the price of one = FUN

I don’t know about you bitches but I like fun, and tomorrow there is a mathematical certainty of fun happening at the Castro Theater (isn’t there always?!). The artist Carter has teamed up with Hotty McHotterson James Franco and made an aptly title film Erased James Franco. The movie is

Alison Lambert - Half Price Headliner 0
13 Nov 2009

Drinking and Dancing Competition at The Lab TONIGHT!

Spilling a drink at the bar is like spilling a sperm sample — its going to take about 45 minutes to get another one, so guard that shit with your life. That’s why The Lab is hosting the hilarious Drinking and Dancing competition tonight. It combines the art of two

Monica Miller - The Intern 0
12 Nov 2009

5 Tragic Career Trajectories

After last week’s Renee Zellweger-bashing, I thought to myself “Wow, that felt so great!”  Looking at the career of a celebrity I’ve never met, pointing out her flaws on the Internet for all to see and then laughing at her attempts to feel physically attractive was the best kind of

BAS Writers 0
12 Nov 2009

Movies to Watch When You’re Not Celebrating Holidays or Sick

I’m not a religious or particularly holiday-oriented person.  In fact, I might even be a little hostile to the idea that somehow, because it’s a specific time of the year, you should forgive & forget everything wrong in life, and just “be nice”.  Because, apparently, the other 364 days of

Anna G - Caliburg Contributor 0
12 Nov 2009

Honoring People Who Can’t Live Here – American Indian Heritage Ceremony at City Hall

Fetid tide rushes and sand dunes, are what the first settlers got when they first laid eyes on the city that scrapes the stars. Never the less they put on some furs, shucked a few mussels and made it work. A few eons later, some smelly, hairy guys wearing crosses

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0